Don’t know what to make of this

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Not sure why this is surprising. It happens, amongst the orthodox Anglican clergy, especially since Anglicanorum coetibus.
Maybe because he was very high ranking? I agree…not surprising in the least.
The story of why Anglicanorum coetibus was issued at the time it was was related to some of the orthodox CoE bishops, and some visits to Rome, after the CoE had closed all appeals to opening the episcopate to females, end of 2008-start of 2009. Story is longer than that, but I got house guests. But around 4-5 such CoE bishops made the trip over the Tiber, when the gate was opened.
I have to point this out. Look carefully at what’s behind the Queen on the left side of the picture from the link. Surely the author could have chosen a more British photo of Her Majesty.
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As a UK citizen I do not know what a more British photo would look like.

Of course, the photo has no context because you do not tell us from where it comes.

On the Queen’s left is the flag of Canada, of which she is the Queen. perhaps that photo was taken in Canada or for some reason was linked with her role as Queen of Canada.
Let’s hope Dr Ashenden is now home. I’m always a tad dubious of those who’ve switched church more than once. Hopefully he’s home to stay.
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