too high an opinion of myself
annoyance with those who contradict me, brooking no contradictions
anger if I don’t get my way or am not taken into account
easily judgmental, putting others down, gossiping about them
slow to recognize my own mistakes, or to see when I hurt others, and inability to seek and give forgiveness
rage when others don’t thank me for favors
unwillingness to serve, rebellion against what I don’t like
impatience, distance, brusqueness in my daily contact with others
thinking I am the only one who knows how to do things right, unwillingness to let others help
inflated idea of my own intelligence and understanding, dismissing what I do not understand or what others see differently
not feeling a need for God, even though I do say prayers
nursing grudges, even in small matters
never taking orders
inflexible in preferences
always putting myself and my things first, indifference towards others and their needs, never putting myself out for them
centering everything (conversation, choices…) on myself and my likes
calculating in my relations with God and with others
always seeking admiration and praise, worrying about not getting it
excessive concern about physical appearance
being guided by the opinions of others rather than principle (this is sometimes called “human respect”)
some types of shyness
sacrificing principles in order to fit in
placing too much a premium on popularity and acceptance
easily discouraged at my failures
taking pleasure in listening to gossip and hearing about others’ failures
always wanting to be the center of attention, at times stretching the truth, or lying outright, or being uncharitable in my words in order to achieve this
always the most comfortable, what requires least effort
not going the extra mile for others
procrastination, last-minute in everything
shoddiness, complaining, excessively affected by minor discomforts
inability to sacrifice
not doing my part at home
expecting everyone else to serve me always
behavior and decisions ruled by my feelings and moods instead of my principles
daydreaming a lot with self at center
unable to control my thoughts when they attract me, even if they are not good
doing only what I enjoy (choice of food, work, etc)
uncontrolled and overpowering curiosity, wanting to see and experience everything and every pleasure
my senses and impulses overrule what I know is right and wrong
acting out my feelings (frustrations, desires…) with no regard for my conscience, God or others
only working with those I like, being easily hurt
fickleness and inconstancy
can never finish what I start
Fr. John Bartunek