Animal circuses are awfully cruel to the animals that are forced to perform in them. All their lives they are confined to a crate, moving around the country, forced to perform stunts that are often painful and unnatural. Electric prods, chains, “bullhooks,” and metal rods are all used to force the animals to move, regardless of their physical state. If anyone here is planning to go to an animal circus or ever has the oppurtunity to go, I encourage you to decline the opportunity. Instead, why not go to a spectacular theatrical production or non-animal circus (i.e. Cirque de Soleil), which are excellent and aren’t cruel to animals.
For evidence of circus cruelty, please look into these sites:
PETA.com: Animals Used for Entertainment:
Carson and Barnes Circus Cruelty: peta.org/feat/atspring2002/carsonbarnes/index.html
For evidence of circus cruelty, please look into these sites:
PETA.com: Animals Used for Entertainment:
Carson and Barnes Circus Cruelty: peta.org/feat/atspring2002/carsonbarnes/index.html