Our Parish is currently doing a door-to-door ministry. We had a group of nuns come to our Parish this summer to go through a training workshop. I can’t remember exactly what their group was called, but they were from upstate New York. Their group focuses on everyone, but our Monsignor has asked that we start with first “bringing home the Catholics” meaning that we focus on finding Catholic homes and not necessarily force an evangelization on non-Catholics. We have a map of the Parish, and one Saturday a month we go out in pairs and go to each home on the map. We’ve started with one street. We take the Parish Bulletin, prayer cards, a ministry booklet, and other things with us. We knock on a door, introduce ourselves, explain that we are coming at the request of the Monsignor from our Parish. We then ask if there are any baptized Catholics currently living in their home. If they say yes, then we try to see if they are practicing Catholics or if they are in need of any of the sacraments or any other type of information that we can help them with. If they say no (and are quasi willing to continue with the conversation) we ask them what faith they belong to. Based on their response and their willingness to continue the conversation, we determine if we should stay or go. Often times for the non-Catholics, we leave them a prayer card with the Beatitudes and say God Bless you and move on. We try to stress that we are Catholics looking for Catholics to help those who are non-Catholics to kind of put their guard down a little. If they think you are Mormon or Jehovah’s witness, they immediately tell you no thank you and shut the door. For some reason, when they hear we are Catholics, they let us stay on the porch a little longer. hahah
As we go to each home, we mark down if someone was home, whether or not they were Catholic (and what faith they were if not). We make a note if they were perceptive so that we know if we should go again soon to follow up or wait until we’ve gone through the whole parish. For homes where there are no answer, we try again the next month before moving on to the next set of homes. It’s really neat to see how the Holy Spirit has been working through this group already.