Thanks for everyone’s (name removed by moderator)ut so far.
What makes this worse is that our catechesis director has made the RCIA team so expansive, assigning only a couple topics per person (thus not necessitating our being present at every session), that I don’t know any of the people currently in the RCIA process. This can be attributed as my fault, but since I’m not required to be there, and since I only have to teach two topics between August 12 (when we began) and Lent, I have never felt the need until now. (Note: I’ve only been to one session since we began.) So, I have the additional disadvantage of being a new, unfamiliar face.
Just a few additional comments:
I’m not sure, but I think I have 2 hours to fill. The one session I attended thus far began with an icebreaker game (?), but then the presenter spoke for the rest of the time.
I’m presenting Saints next Thursday. I have *nothing *but a presentation (see below) for these people with little to no opportunity for discussion. I can’t ask them to research their favorite saints sinceI have a Knights of Columbus meeting the Wednesday night before don’t have any copies of Butler’s to lend.
Okay…this is what I have for my upcoming talk on Saints –
I.) Opening Prayer = “Canticle of the Sun/Creatures” (St. Francis)
*religious song composed in late 1224 after received stigmata
*composed while staying in small cottage at San Damiano (church) – had eye disease/ill health/mice
*he died Oct 3, 1226 singing PSalm 141
II.) What happens to the soul at death?
*Hell → the doctrine of Hell is so frightening that numerous sects end up denying its reality – no longer serious threat (e.g., Unitarian Universalists, Seventh Day Adventists, Jehovah Witnesses)
WHY? How can just and loving God send us to eternal Hell?
Hell is very much real and eternal → Rev. 14:11; Mk 9:47-48, CCC 1035
Reference Mt. 25:31-46 (again) – our actions decide for us, not God – CCC 1033, 1037
*Purgatory → What is purgatory? GOD’S MERCY, JUSTICE AT WORK
- It is state of those who die in God’s friendship, assured of their eternal salvation, but who still have need of purification – FINAL PURIFICATION
- Why is purification necessary? SEE 1 COR 3:12-15 – we are God’s building, our works are the materials
- there can still be many impurities in us (unconfessed) (examples: impatience, gossip, judgmental)
- READ 2 Macc. 12:43-45 – Orth Jews recite the Mourner’s Kaddish for eleven months after the death of a loved one
*Heaven → CCC1023-1025; 1029
(St. Francis’s soul was seen ascending like a luminous orb into Heaven)
III.) Who are the saints?
- the saints are the blessed who reign w/Christ in Heaven
-people just like you and me (husbands, wives, children, nuns, priests)
-etymology: sanctus Latin “holy” - associated with the divine
– What is holiness? imitation of Christ, or following Christ?
- a saint is a sinner who kept on trying
- saints are people who lived the Gospel – following Christ in poverty, chastity, obedience, and generosity – martyrs, monks, young, old
- Read the Lives of the Saints is indispensable - shows real people living the Gospel – saints also struggled here on earth (difficult husbands, nagging wives, some struggled w/addiction, Batholomew Longo was former Satanist)
IV) Canonization Process
V) Communion of the Saints
- why pray to the saints?
- saint worship?
VI) How can you become a saint?
- following Christ, performing acts of selfless charity
- good deed beads - St. Therese - the Little Way
- the saints are the models of Christian virtue