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hey i was hoping you guys could help me out here, i think the devil must be trying to get to me. i keep having these irrational doubts about, well, everything, esp. when im praying. its like ill be in the middle of a prayer and all of a sudden, ill just think, what if all of this is fake? what if im just doing something completely stupid? then ill try to meditate on something completely miraculous like the resurrection to clear my head, and ill begin to wonder if they made it all up, and all the apostles were made up, but its not like im truly doubting. . . cause i know these thoughts are completely ridiculous. i feel like an idiot saying all this. i was just wondering if maybe you guys had some reading suggestions or something to help me through this. prayers would be good too. arghhh.
thanks in advance 😦
That’s one of our spiritual enemy’s favorite tricks – doubt. I think we have all experienced it at some time or other.

You must be doing something right if the devil is trying to pull you away from God! Persevere in prayer and remember that those voices that bring you doubt and discomfort do not come from Our Lord.

Pray to God to give you more faith and more assurance.

Do you know the St. Michael the Archangel prayer? I use it often when I feel the enemy is nagging at me:

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Protect us from the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray, and do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host, by the power of God, cast into hell satan and all evil spirits who prowl about the earth seeking the destruction of souls.

Someone once said that when they heard the devil knocking at their door, they turn to Jesus and say “Would you get that?”
no matter what you are experiencing that is drawing you away from prayer, distractions, doubts, noise, other “commitments”, the answer is always the same, keep praying. Set a reasonable schedule for a reasonable prayer time morning and evening, using LOTH or other guide, and remain faithful to it, no matter what. Don’t make excuses for missing or delaying prayer “just this once because I am so busy”. The point is not to set unreasonable expections, but to remain faithful. The faithfulness is equally important as the prayer itself. The only reason for delaying prayer would be a call to exercise charity and the only reason for modifying prayer discipline would be under spiritual direction such as from one’s confessor.

me too! when I was praying my rosary… I was very distracted by weird thoughts, about my work issues and also some impure thoughts too… at one pt I, was so distracted, that I wanted sort of giving up… , But I persevere on…

Best advise, dun dwell on those thots… just concentrate on yr payers… and it will just fade away…
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