Do you think downloading mp3s is stealing? I have a bad feeling about cos If it is i have stolen over well over 2 - 3000 songs.
Ask yourself: Did you ever pay royalties for them? Do you intend to sell them to others, or are they downloaded for personal use to check out what a song or artist is like and then you will get rid of them?Do you think downloading mp3s is stealing? I have a bad feeling about cos If it is i have stolen over well over 2 - 3000 songs.
Sorry. I think your rationalization scale has just toppled from overuse!well i dont think it is stealing at all. Everyone is concerned about the copyright issue’s with downloading mp3s. But do u guys even know what an mp3 is?? It is a file made up of 1’s and 0’s… binary code to be exact. No one can copyright pure data. Thats just insane if u think someone can. Everyone would laugh if some guy wanted to copyright the number 100010011000…etc… But this is what the record companies are doing. Even if u dont think about that someone along the line of u downloading from others bought that cd. So it is not stealing since no physical product was taken. They havent lost anything… nor gained anything consequently. So it is not stealing. The law is not always right as some people think. It constantly changes and eventually this will change as well.
I download a lot of christian mp3s all the time. Im even in my own christian music group where we get cd’s and rip them to mp3 and send them to people in bosnia, china, south africa, a lot of places like that whose government bans anything that is christian related. They arent able to get bibles, music, or movies that have any relationship to christians. Now do u think jesus would not send them bibles, music, or movies just because oh copyright law says i cant sorry… i dont think so…
Anyway there’s my viewpoint
This is nonsense. Letters are just letters, after all, put in varying orders. . . I should be able to re-market Stephen King under my own name with this logic and he then could not touch me for copyright infringement.No one can copyright pure data. Thats just insane if u think someone can. Everyone would laugh if some guy wanted to copyright the number 100010011000…etc…
and so cheap is your excuse to steal? That gives it the green light?I do not have a problem with downloading songs from the internet because I am too cheap to go out and purchase a compct disc.