Downloading songs

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Do you think downloading mp3s is stealing? I have a bad feeling about cos If it is i have stolen over well over 2 - 3000 songs.
I think that the recording industry charging $15 for an album in order to get the only good song is stealing.
Do you think downloading mp3s is stealing? I have a bad feeling about cos If it is i have stolen over well over 2 - 3000 songs.
Ask yourself: Did you ever pay royalties for them? Do you intend to sell them to others, or are they downloaded for personal use to check out what a song or artist is like and then you will get rid of them?

It is best to stop downloading illegal “free” mp3’s. There are many sites now available where you can download songs legally. They are also available in much better quality.
yes could verywell be a sin, forward them to me and i’ll er ahem dispose of them for you
is it illegal? was the material protected by copyright? did the site where you got the songs warn about downloading or set conditions? (like the little blurb when you open up any computer software where you have to agree to their rules and restrictions).

then yes it is stealing, an offense against the 7th commandment. go to confession and stop the practice. the bank down the street has lots of money, they may even lend it out to people who do objectionable things, but is it stealing if I take some of that money? do you think the judge will listen if I say, but yeah, the president of the bank is a jerk?
well i dont think it is stealing at all. Everyone is concerned about the copyright issue’s with downloading mp3s. But do u guys even know what an mp3 is?? It is a file made up of 1’s and 0’s… binary code to be exact. No one can copyright pure data. Thats just insane if u think someone can. Everyone would laugh if some guy wanted to copyright the number 100010011000…etc… But this is what the record companies are doing. Even if u dont think about that someone along the line of u downloading from others bought that cd. So it is not stealing since no physical product was taken. They havent lost anything… nor gained anything consequently. So it is not stealing. The law is not always right as some people think. It constantly changes and eventually this will change as well.

I download a lot of christian mp3s all the time. Im even in my own christian music group where we get cd’s and rip them to mp3 and send them to people in bosnia, china, south africa, a lot of places like that whose government bans anything that is christian related. They arent able to get bibles, music, or movies that have any relationship to christians. Now do u think jesus would not send them bibles, music, or movies just because oh copyright law says i cant sorry… i dont think so…
Anyway there’s my viewpoint
well i dont think it is stealing at all. Everyone is concerned about the copyright issue’s with downloading mp3s. But do u guys even know what an mp3 is?? It is a file made up of 1’s and 0’s… binary code to be exact. No one can copyright pure data. Thats just insane if u think someone can. Everyone would laugh if some guy wanted to copyright the number 100010011000…etc… But this is what the record companies are doing. Even if u dont think about that someone along the line of u downloading from others bought that cd. So it is not stealing since no physical product was taken. They havent lost anything… nor gained anything consequently. So it is not stealing. The law is not always right as some people think. It constantly changes and eventually this will change as well.

I download a lot of christian mp3s all the time. Im even in my own christian music group where we get cd’s and rip them to mp3 and send them to people in bosnia, china, south africa, a lot of places like that whose government bans anything that is christian related. They arent able to get bibles, music, or movies that have any relationship to christians. Now do u think jesus would not send them bibles, music, or movies just because oh copyright law says i cant sorry… i dont think so…
Anyway there’s my viewpoint
Sorry. I think your rationalization scale has just toppled from overuse!
The data may indeed be a file of 1’ and 0’s (binary code) - but we have perfected this code to become a language. The simple 1’s and 0’s are arranged in such a pattern so as to capture someone’s intellectual property.

Honestly - you can rationalize all day until Sunday, but you are still stealing someone else’s thoughts, work and accomplishments.
No one can copyright pure data. Thats just insane if u think someone can. Everyone would laugh if some guy wanted to copyright the number 100010011000…etc…
This is nonsense. Letters are just letters, after all, put in varying orders. . . I should be able to re-market Stephen King under my own name with this logic and he then could not touch me for copyright infringement.

jrabs is just right. You are using tortuous logic to rationalize stealing.

And the “they are charging $15 for us to downlard one song” is also rationalization.

The government is sometimes totally crooked. Does this mean I have the right to steal from the US Treasury? No.
Yes. It is stealing. How would you feel if you worked hard to make a product for the market and then someone stole it so you cannot make a living? Same thing. I don’t care what the record industry charges for a CD…if you really want it, you’ll save your money. Or go to iTunes and pay 99 cents per song to put together your own CD.
you’ll hate to hear it, but it is indeed stealing. I’m a 20 yr old college student and trust me, i used to download tons of songs. but then my conscience got to me. i know the record companies seem to be ruthless jerks, but that does not make it OK to steal from them. the ol’ “two wrongs dont make a right” comes into play here. I’ve since started paying for online music from MusicMatch Jukebox. It’s great–CD quality sound with access to just about any song you can think of–and best of all, it’s legal! you know that its wrong, or it would not have been on your conscience to even post this–so do the right thing. God bless!
Go to confession and delete the mp3’s. You’ve stolen $2,000-$3,000. Rationalizing it will only delay the inevitable. You’ll have a clear conscience. Plus, it’ll be a great sacrifice for God. Store up treasures in heaven.

All the music bands deserve the royalties for their work in writing, producing, recording, and distributing their music.

As far as the 0’s &1’s business: an author of a book has a mere collection of letters and numbers with punctuation marks in between. How can THEY claim letters of the alphabet as their property? Simple, it is their creation.

An artist uses colored paints, an author uses letters, a musician uses 0’s and 1’s in digital code.
just some questions to answer here, because to the music business there is more to it than what meets the eye. is it copyrited? is it out of print?for songs that have more than one edit out there is it a hard to find edit(ie longerversion, stereo version)? here is some more food for thought. what recording on a cassette off of a friends record a sin then? was recording a song off of the radio a sin then? why is this way a sin and not the others? most of my music collection whether mp3 or not is from the 60s and 70s, most of the mp3 part or it is just plain out of print or really hard to find otherwise. example I have on mp3 heavy music, the long 5 minute version by Bob Seger and the Last Heard, its been out of print since Nixon was president, and I could never find it at a record collector show either. people like me saving it as an mp3 ,and people putting it online as an mp3 , may have saved it from oblivion. just a little something to think about.
I do not have a problem with downloading songs from the internet because I am too cheap to go out and purchase a compct disc.

John Yurich:
I do not have a problem with downloading songs from the internet because I am too cheap to go out and purchase a compct disc.

and so cheap is your excuse to steal? That gives it the green light?
Reminds me of the classic scenario from one of C. S. Lewis’s works. He says that the way people “get away” with all kinds of rotten behavior, from theft to wife beating to cowardice, is making it “a joke”. . .laughing about it, boasting about it, turning it into a “fun” thing. . .like John’s remark that he’s “too cheap”; it’s an attempt to make his theft look humorous, therefore if not admirable at least acceptable. Because the most heinous sin (esp. to those of the Anglo-Saxon persuasion) is to lack “a sense of humor”.

That man was PRESCIENT, IMO.
Maybe someone could tell me why it is not illegal to copy a song off the radio, but it is illegal to copy it off the computer? Aren’t they both public airwaves? I know once I have said something in public, anyone has the right to use my words with no repercussions by me (unless of course they skew my words or sell them for profit). So exactly, what is the difference?

Since when is downloading music from the internet stealing? I am always looking for ways to get things for free because I am very very cheap.

there are a lot of legal sites where u can download music from. i use itunes which works great for cds and ipods and it only costs .99 per song and usually 9.99 for a cd. for mp3s though im not sure where to go. i would try to stay away from illegal sites because i have heard they are becoming much more strict about enforcing the rules.
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