If I am wrong about what I am about to write I am sure someone will straighten me out.
It seems to me that popularity of the Pope has little bearing on the popularity of Catholicism in Europe. When JPII traveled he was invariable met by enthusiastic crowds. However in Western Europe, according to news articles, Sunday Mass is regularly attended by only 15% of Catholics. The figure is 40% in the United States.
Alexander VI was one of the most corrupt Popes in history, but in the Jubilee Year of 1500, European pilgrims by the thousands flocked to Rome risking disease, robbers, and a number of other obstacles people today would find insurmountable. Those pilgrims loved the Church regardless of the shortcomings of many in the heirarchy.
I don’t think the ephemeral popularity of the Pope is a matter of great concern. The condition of the Church is.