Dr. Thomas Hilgers

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I have heard this Doctor’s name repeatedly on this forum, usually as a reccommendation. Is there anyone here that has been his patient or has some kind of experience with him?
Maria C.
You can read the personal testimonies of 50 women in the book, “Women Healed”:


Dr. Hilgers has also written a 1200 + page textbook about the Creighton Model & NaPro technology (“Natural & Procreative”):


If someone is interested in becoming a patient of Dr. Hilgers, there are instructions at the bottom of this web page:


I don’t have any person experience with him other than practicing the model of nfp that he developed, the Creighton Model.

I had the pleasure of attending EP1 at the PPVI Institute last month and listened to Dr. Hilgers several times. I can’t speak or write highly enough about him. He is a genuine, sincere, compassionate, and caring doctor and human being. I am in awe of what he has accomplished and how he has integrated his Catholic Faith into his life’s work. I could go on and on about him and everyone associated with the PPVI Institute. The time I spent listening to him and talking to him I learned he, as a doctor, treats the client/patient not the text book diagnosis. We need more docs like Dr. Hilgers.

Hi Maria,

I am a patient of his who traveled from out of state to get treated by him. Prior to meeting him I had unexplained infertility. No doctor could tell me what was wrong.

He gave me a complete and proper diagnosis when no one else could. He is doing God’s work and is an amazing GYN surgeon. I would have no one else operate on me but him.

Hi success rates are higher than that of any IVF clinic in the country. The only problem is that he is too busy with too many patients. I pray he will get a mentor soon who will be just as skillful and spiritual as he is.

Thanks for the feedback!
Did you acutally have him operate on you?
Yes, he has operated on me twice. The first time was laproscopic surgery. He found severe endometriosis which was not operable through the scope because it was so bad an extensive, so I returned 2 months later to have a laparotomy where he opened me up to get it all removed. I feel much better now and actually conceived twice about 1 year after the last surgery, but lost both babies.

If you have any other questions, please ask.


I am so sorry for your loss.

Were you able to get pregnant before your surgery?
Did you have any complications from either surgery?
Do you still see Dr. Hilgers?

The reason I ask is that my husband and I have been trying to conceive for over 5 years with no success. I have mild endometriosis and a blocked fallopian tube. I don’t think I can have a baby without surgery. I live in L.A. and no one here does fallopian tube repair because it’s easier to do IVF (not an option for me.). I’m very nervous about going to someone I don’t know and have never met…he’s also very far away but I don’t feel I have much of a choice. Anything you can tell me about him would be really helpful.

thanks, maria
Hi Maria,

I was not able to get pregnant before I got treated by Dr. Hilgers. 1 Year after the 2nd surgery last December I got pregnant (after 4 years of trying), but miscarried at 9.5 weeks. I got pregnant again last June, but it was an ectopic. I was also doing Traditional Chinese Medecine (acupuncture and herbs) which I believe helped a lot!

I just had an HSG test and learned that my right tube is now blocked and the left one is runied from the ectopic (I never knew it ruptured). I am very sad and disheartened. It has really been a rotten year for us and this news was the worse we could have received. I sort of expected that the left tube was in bad shape, but was quite surprised about the other one. I know that my tubes were clear before the surgeries, but I am afraid that the surgeries created scar tissue in them causing the ectopic and the blocked tube. That is the problem with having surgery, but I would have never conceived with the surgery because the endo had completely glued my reproductive organs together.

I am having a phone conference with Dr. Hilgers Monday to see if my right tube is operable and if it is, I will fly out there again to have him fix it. I trust no one else with this surgery. I just pray that there is some hope for us.

Dr. Hilgers is amazing. He is Catholic and does everything in alignment with the Church. There is a chapel in their building and nuns on staff. Pope JPII blessed Dr. Hilgers and his work. From what I have heard he is THE expert at unblocking tubes and is very successful at it. He did a great job on helping me with my endometriosis. 6 months after the 2nd surgery I had virtually no pain with my cycle for the 1st time since I was a kid! I have felt great (with teh exceptions of teh losses) ever since. He is very professional, but kind. He and his staff sent me a sympathy card after my second loss.

I simply cannot recommend him enough. You would be in great hands if you went to see him. I think 80% of his patients are from out of state. It takes 4-6 months to get on his surgery schedule and you will need to send at least 2 months of Creighton model charting to him. Many of his patients belong to yahoo catholic infertily group - you may want to check it out. Best of luck to you and feel free to ask any more questions.

My two nieces are results of Dr. Hilgers’ amazing work. Fortunately, God did not lead my sister and her husband to Dr. Hilgers until she’d had enough problems that they adopted my oldest niece and nephew :).

I am not married (though engaged) and Dr. Hilgers has been treating me for severe PMS for the last four months. His main focus is babies, but his practices are centered on the entire family and / or person. You couldn’t be in better hands. The only thing I would warn you about is that it can be very expensive. He’s anti-birth control, anti-artificial treatments for infertility, and it’s working better than anything else. Therefore he’s cutting sales for the drug companies, and the insurance companies are following their lead. It’s hard to find an insurance company that will include him in their network. Most insurance companies won’t cover infertility treatments regardless of who the doctor is. Some of Dr. Hilgers’ treatments, especially those of endometriosis, are not necessarily considered infertility treatments.
My two nieces are results of Dr. Hilgers’ amazing work. Fortunately, God did not lead my sister and her husband to Dr. Hilgers until she’d had enough problems that they adopted my oldest niece and nephew :).

I am not married (though engaged) and Dr. Hilgers has been treating me for severe PMS for the last four months. His main focus is babies, but his practices are centered on the entire family and / or person. You couldn’t be in better hands. The only thing I would warn you about is that it can be very expensive. He’s anti-birth control, anti-artificial treatments for infertility, and it’s working better than anything else. Therefore he’s cutting sales for the drug companies, and the insurance companies are following their lead. It’s hard to find an insurance company that will include him in their network. Most insurance companies won’t cover infertility treatments regardless of who the doctor is. Some of Dr. Hilgers’ treatments, especially those of endometriosis, are not necessarily considered infertility treatments.
Do you mean he also doesn’t believe in using drugs, like clomid, that are not invasive procedures like invitro or iui?

I am sorry it has taken me so long to respond. Between Thanksgiving and work I have been too busy to be online that much.

One of my biggest concerns is scar tissue. The scar tissue you spoke of in your last post, is that from the surgeries Dr. Hilgers performed? Did he talk to you about how/if that can be avoided?
Because of scar tissue and the delicate nature of the reproductive organs, I feel i have only one chance to fix my fallopian tube and don’t want to risk it on anything but a top notch surgeon. I know he’s Catholic and that’s wonderful, but that doesn’t necessarily make him a great surgeon.

How did you find him? and how did you decide to go to him? Had you had any surgeries before this?Did you consider any other doctors? I am very interested in how your phone conference with Dr. Hilgers went on Monday. Are you going back to the institute? Can he help you?

I know first hand this experience is difficult for you. I hope it is a comfort for you to know that you are in my prayers.

maria c

I do not mean to sound harsh, but your questions are a bit disconserting. I think that your comments about Dr. Hilgers being Catholic, but perhaps not a great surgeon is the exact thing type of prejudice that he experiences from a variety of people, especially those threatened by a strong, faithful Catholic. Yes, he is Catholic and yes he is a great surgeon. I will never understand why people fear this combination, but they do.

Why do you think that 80% of his patients are from out of state?

Why do you think that his waiting list to get in for surgery is 5 months long? That is unheard of.

Why do you think his success rates for helping women conceive are greater than that of ANY IVF clinic in the country?

Why do yo think he published a breakthrough medical textbook a year ago if he did not have research to back it up?

Have you ever met a doctor whose patients published a book including 50 womens’ stories about how he helped them? (It’s called In their Own Words: Women Healed)

Have you ever visited catholic-fertility in Yahoo groups? Go there and met his other patients and see what they have to say. You will be shocked to learn what these women have gone through and how many doctors told them that there was NO hope for them to ever conceive, but they did after seeking help from Dr. Hilgers.

Have you ever met a doctor who sent you a sympathy card after a miscarriage?

Have you met a doctor blessed by Pope John Paul II for the great work that he does?

He is a great doctor, an intelligent doctor, a caring doctor, and one who actually wants to find and solve the problem. Is he perfect? Well, no, but who is? Would I trust anyone else? After what I have been through, absoultely not. Can he help everyone? No, becasue sometimes God says “no.”

Most doctors will remove your tubes if they are blocked or refuse to operate because either they do not know how to fix them or they just think that it’s OK that you do not have them because then you can do IVF. Dr. Hilgers will work on them for 7 hours if he has to because he knows that as Catholics, we need those tubes to conceive because IVF is not an option for us.

I saw several doctors before him in Boston, MA - all Harvard med school graduates who told me I was normal and that I had “unexplained infertility.” What kind of a diagnosis is that?

That is all I can say. If you know of a better doctor, I would sure like to hear about him or her.

Do you mean he also doesn’t believe in using drugs, like clomid, that are not invasive procedures like invitro or iui?
He does use Clomid as well as injectibles and other medications, but he does not give them in amounts that would allow a woman to “super-ovulate.” He does not do IUI or IVF. Also, he does not just randomly give out medications like many doctors do when they do not know what is wrong. He does extensive blood testing (draws every other day for 1 month) and ultrsound series to prove that these medications can help and not hurt.
I too am one of Dr. Hilgers patients. I am blessed to live in Omaha, NE, his home town so I can easily see him.

He really is a miracle worker. I had 12 years of no diagnosis and frustrating fertility. Though I am still not pregnant, he is the first doctor who said, “I think I know what the cause of your problems is and I think I can help you.” Even more remarkable is that he has helped me. I have had irregular cycles (once every six months, bleeding straight for 3 months, etc…) since I was about 18, and now am on a close to once a month period cycle.

My only frustration with his office is that he needs more help. He recently hired another nurse which is helpful but the other doctor in his office suffered a brain hemmorhage earlier this year which has led to longer waiting times.

What I love about his office and him is that there is a true sense of Catholicism as soon as you walk in the door or speak to him. There are crucifixes in the examination rooms. The nurses remember who you are and why you are there. There are holy pictures throughout the building and office and walls of miracle baby pictures showing his successes. There are also a few pictures of Dr. Hilgers with Pope John Paul II, in which the same hands that operate on people like me are being held by our late Pope.

I really believe his work is blessed by God and though you may not see the rapid pregnancy results possible at other types of fertility clinics, your soul will rejoice in its adherence to the Church.
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