Dream after my mom died

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I’m curious to your thoughts on the following dream my wife had last night, less than two weeks after my mother’s death.

First let me tell you about her death. My mother had been gravely ill for three months with a bad case of pnuemonia caused by a bacterial and a fungal infection in her lungs. After several near death moments she was sent to a skilled nursing facility to get physical therepy and much needed rest so she could eventually go home. The infection seemed to be under control as she gained her strength back and was doing quite well. The doctor’s commented that the infection wasn’t necessarily improving, but it was not getting any worse. It seemed she was turning the corner and her body was gaining the strength it needed to fight this infection.

Three weeks ago today, she had a sudden stroke and was sent back to the ICU for observation. The doctors could not find any reason for the stroke, and finally detemined that the infection had spread to her heart and her brain and ultimately caused the stroke. We were told that her heart would not be able to take the stress of the infection being there and we should prepare for the worst. A few days later her kidneys started to fail. The doctors medicated her with morphine for the pain and made her as comfortable as they could. On Saturday of that week we were told she had less than 24 hours. She hung on until the following Tuesday, and died around 1 pm.

My sister and I had been at her bedside since Saturday morning and were there when she passed. It was really painful to watch, yet it was really an awesome experience. Just seconds before she took her last breath, she opened her eyes which had been closed for four days, and uttered the words, “I love you” several times. It was truly a glorious experience as I couldn’t help but feel I had just witnessed God taking her hand and taking her home. Before He took her, He gave her just enough strength to say those words. I feel very priveliged to have been there.

Last night, my wife had a dream. We were all at the funeral home viewing my mother’s body. My mother opened her eyes and crawled out of the casket. She walked over and stood next to a little boy with Down Syndrome. (Our middle daughter has DS) She said to the little boy, “Don’t you know where I am?” The little boy answered, “Yes, you are in Heaven.”

That was the end of the dream. My wife says it was very vivid, and she had no problem remembering the details. Why do we have these dreams? Why are they so vivid? Are these messages from God to let us know our loved ones have gone to a better place? Any thoughts would be appreciated!

I’m sorry for the loss of your mom. Both of my parents are gone now, but many things happen throughout the day to remind me that they are watching over me.

My Dad died suddenly about 15 years ago, and for a few months after his death, my dreams of him were very troubling. His sudden death left me with such a sense of loss and regret for many things not said.

Then one night I had a very vivid dream about him. He was sitting outside in a lounge chair eating peanuts from a jar. I approached him, knelt beside the chair and laid my head on his chest. I told him over and over, “I love you.” That dream resolved a lot of my earlier feelings about his death.

I do think that our dreams can be very comforting. I don’t know if they are messages from God, but perhaps they are a means by which we can be comforted in our loss.
This isn’t said with any theological certainty, but this sure does sound like God telling you your mother is in Heaven.

But do not let that stop you from praying for her! Even if she is in heaven, the prayers will not be wasted.
My sister died 21 years ago and the most vivid dreams I ever have are alway about her. Sometimes they are good dreams, and sometimes they are frightening but they are always incredibly real. Often when I wake up I am very sad because it’s been so long since I’ve heard her voice or seen her smile that is a keen reminder of what I’ve lost. It is so amazing after 21 years my mind can bring my sisters voice alive for me again.

As far as the meaning of your wife’s dream it could be sent as a sign of comfort for you from your mom I really couldn’t say with any definity.
My dad died a few days after my 20th birthday. For several months afterward, I had very vivid dreams about him. I was sure he was coming back to tell me things, My mother scoffed, and I’m not sure what Catholic teaching is on this, but I truly believed that my dad was trying to contact me to tell me he was ok. I don’t even think of them as dreams so much as visions. they were very comforting to me at the time.

Here’s a story…
My dad was in the hospital getting ready for a last ditch surgery effort at saving him. He was not expected to survive the surgery. He figured he was as good as dead anyway so wanted to go ahead with the surgery. My mother walked with him alongside his gurney as far as she could. At the doors to the OR, they kissed and my father told her, “If I don’t make it, I’ll see you on the other side” He did not make it out of the recovery room.

At the same time time as this was going on, my cousin in Texas (we are in California) was in a car accident. She was in the hospital and saw a vision of my father, whom she hadn’t seen in many years. He told her “I am on the other side now, and you are going to be OK” She did not know he had died, did not even know that he had been so ill. She mentioned to her mom that it was the strangest thing, she had seen her uncle. My aunt told her he had just died that day or the day before. But even my aunt didn’t know about “the other side” conversation between my mom and dad.

I’m sorry to hear of the loss of your mother. What a beautiful passing she had. When my father in law was ill and my Fundamentalist aquaintances offered to pray, they were shocked when I asked them to pray for a peaceful death rather than a miracle.

Here’s an experience I had over 20 years ago. An aunt by marriage suffered from Alzheimer’s for years (very early onset). This vibrant, well-groomed woman who loved a good time died in a nursing hospital unkempt. Her husband had been devoted to her and predeceased her. Her children did not live nearby and seldom saw her. My mother was one of the few in the family who welcomed her to our home when she could still get out, and went to visit her frequently, despite the fact that they had never been close when the woman was healthy. About 2 months after this woman’s death, I dreamt that she came to me and was dressed up and young and healthy and laughing again, and told me that she was all right. The thing is, I spoke to my mother later that day, and she had had the same dream that same night.

What does it mean? I don’t know. My mother also told me in a dream after her death that she was all right. The synchronicity of dreams on that occasion with my aunt is what I found especially striking.
After talking to my wife, she remimded me that there was more to the dream. According to her, the coversation between my mom and the little boy went more like this. My mom asked the little boy if he knew where she was at. He answered, “You’re in Heaven.” She then asked the little boy what Jesus had told him about her. The little boy replied, “That we will always be friends.”

I have some friends who upon hearing of my mother’s death, shared with me that they often dream about a loved one they have lost. They describe the dreams as vivid, and life like. Unlike other dreams that are often hard to rememer, these dreams are so vivd the details are easily recalled after they wake up.

This whole thing is very intreresting to me. I appreciate the comments so far and would like to hear more.
Your Mother’s death was somewhat similar to my Father’s - he had started chemo treatments and was on his 3rd week the week prior to his death. When he went to bed, he seemed a little confused and disoriented, but we thought he was just tired. The next day, he woke up and was very disoriented and was hallucinating a little bit. We took him to the hospital, where he lingered for a week. We gave him morphine for the pain and finally, he passed peacefully. This was the most painful, yet spiritual experience of my life - it was so sad, yet so uplifting at the same time. I can hardly describe the way I felt.

I hardly dream about my Dad, and when I do, he is always lingering on the fringes of a family event, kind of in the background.

One night about a week after his death and funeral, I came home from work exhausted and laid down on the bed for a few minutes. I fell into a deep sleep and then felt a hand touch my back - I jumped up to see who was there, thinking it was my husband or one of the kids, but there was no one. I have always felt it was my Dad coming to let me know he was okay and to say goodbye.
A very dear friend of mine died 3 years ago after a valiant fight against cancer. She was a widow with 2 young sons. So she tried every experimental drug to keep herself alive. Finally her tired body gave up and she passed away very quietly!

A few days after her death I had a dream about her. I asked her how she was and she said you don’t need to ask me that any more. WE hugged very tightly in that dream. When I awoke I was holding the sheet very tightly. However, I felt such peace because I knew she was with the Lord! That all her pain was now Gone!!!
Great stories! Keep them coming.

I sat down with a priest this afternoon, and he assurred me that God speaks to us through our dreams, and it sounded like God was letting us know my mother was safe in His loving arms! He also commented on her suffering in the last several months of her life. He felt as though that could have served as her purgatory, and she could very well have passed right into Heaven!
I had a dream about my best friend’s sister that passed away in October. She was a tomboy kinda girl, played sports and often wore her hair in pigtails. (yes, she was in her early 20’s. She was a sweetheart.) One night when I was thinking about her death I fell asleep. In the dream I was playing basketball with a bunch of friends, and there she was, pigtails and all, wearing a jersey, looking as bright and healthy as she always did, laughing and joking. Then she sat next to me (all of a sudden I was on the sidelines) and she pointed to my best friend, her sister, (who seemed oblivious to both of us) and said, “You watch her, ok? She’ll be ok.” I said, greatly relieved, “You’re all right?!” and she said, “yes of course” smiled her huge dimply smile and jumped back in the game. Then I woke up.

So now I think of her, playing basketball in heaven sometimes. 🙂 The pain doesn’t go away…but when I think of that dream it helps. And I make sure I’m there when my friend needs to talk.
My mother died a couple of months after surgery to graft a new vein into her leg. She had very poor circulation. The graft didn’t take, and a series of complications set in. I sat with her during her last day, and was with her at the end.

The night before she died, I had been praying for her as if her eternal life depended on it. My mother had fallen way from the Church, and although she’d had Last Rites prior to the actual surgery, I was very concerned for her. I was in her hospital room and must have fallen asleep, although I don’t remember that, but what happened next must have been a dream. I looked over to her bed. There were two nurses’ aides at her bedside, leaning over her. They had on dresses and had their backs to me. Then they turned around and I saw that they had faces like pigs, and I knew that they were demons. Becaue I saw this (dream or not), I spent last few hours of my mother’s life praying the rosary, Chaplet of Divine Mercy, and other intercessory prayers.

My mother had a very rough life, especially with years of ill health; life had really worn her down and out. About two weeks later I had what so far has been my last dream about my mother. I was standing at my front door, looking out the window. A beautiful, graceful young woman was slowly walking up the sidewalk to the door. She was smiling radiantly, glowing with youth, life and vitality. As she got closer, I realized it was my mother. I opened the door, smiled back at her, and then woke up.

I truly believe that this was a special blessing from God, letting me see that my mother was not only alright, she was in Heaven.
Thanks for the replies. These are great stories, and it is obvious that God talks to us through our dreams sometimes. I miss my mom, but my heart is full of joy knowing that she is in God’s hands.
I lost my mother several years ago and I recently had a very vivid dream about her. I was in the back seat of a car. She was in the front seat. Outside the car, it was so bright outside you couldn’t see anything - very, very bright. She turned back and smiled at me and she was beautiful, young, healthy, happy - that was it. That was the dream. But it left me feeling very good about her.

My brother died just a week ago and I recently dreamed that he pulled up in my driveway in his car and my brother-in-law got out - like he was dropping him off - my brother never got out, and I only got a glance of his face - he glanced at me like it was no big deal. Then he drove off. That one upset me. I don’t know what to make of it.

I keep praying for more dreams about my mother and brother. Is there a certain prayer for this sort of thing?
Just ask God for what you are seeking. Read this article about St. John Bosco.catholic.org/saints/saint.php?saint_id=63
Thank you. I am praying. No dreams yet but I’ll keep hopeful.
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