Dreaming that I was wearing the habit of a religious sister

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I sort of recently posted here due to me wondering about whether or not I could possibly be called to religious or married life. I have for most of my life been seeing myself as someone who should get married and have a family.

Quite recently, I started discerning religious life, as I have become slightly more open towards it. I have, even though I´m currently at the age of 16, been praying about it and asking God to help me figure out what His plan for me is. This morning I dreamt I was wearing the habit of a religious sister, while being public. Maybe this could be Him telling me that I could still be doing normal stuff and such while being a religious sister? I´m wondering, and I have been thinking about the things I will have to give up in religious life, and maybe this could be His way to tell me that I may still be me, and do normal things, just as a religious sister?

Do you believe that this is most likely due to me asking our Lord about my discernment? How should I interpret it?

Thanks in advance.
May God bless you all!
His yoke is easy, and His burden light. Once you’ve found the right place, giving up material things shouldn’t be that hard.

One should always release their expectations in this regard, and go where the Spirit is leading. And always look locally first.

Do you have a spiritual director? Have you spoken with the diocesan vocations director?

Mrs Cloisters OP
Lay Dominican
Thank you!

I will try to have a conversation with a priest on the upcoming retreat I´m going to.
He isn´t formally my spiritual director but I talk to him sometimes, so he is probably the priest I will choose for advice on vocational discernment. I haven´t mentioned this dream to him yet, but I guess that I will do so.

I´ve told my brother about some of it, and I´m going to tell him about this dream tonight so that I may know what he thinks about this.

Either way I will try to pray more about it, and ask for more signs.
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How should I interpret it?
I once had a dream that I was elected Pope, but yours truly is a girl. 😛 Sometimes dreams can just be dreams. But definitely find a spiritual director to help you discern.
It might be me just praying about it before I went to bed, and therefore it ending up in my dream. So I prayed that if God intended this dream for me, to let me know that He is calling me, then I would like if He could give me such a dream once more to let me know.

I suppose spending time in prayer and talking with a priest could help me discern my vocation.
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I suppose spending time in prayer and talking with a priest could help me discern my vocation.
Not could, does. Prayer in particular should be your bread and butter for these decisions, whether it’s religious life or marriage.
Our Lord warns about asking for signs. More often than not, events in your life will become like an old car losing parts down to the chassis as it goes down the road. The “chassis” in this case is the vocation.

Silly me, I forgot to ask what the habit looked like. That might actually be a clue.

Highly suggest adoration.
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Oh okay.

I believe it was white, but either with a white or a black veil.
If I remember it just right - it looked sort of like a Dominican habit for women.

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As someone who has been where you are, I know what you are saying. I am 59 now (where did the time go?) and I am still in discernment!

First, don’t be set on one community versus another, and habit versus no habit. The habit was strictly the dress of widows that never got updated. I won’t say it’s irrelevant but rather, that if you are being called, Jesus wants your heart, not necessarily what you’re wearing.

I would also suggest you get a Spiritual Director. I just got my first and it’s important to have someone to journey with.

Lastly, it’s very easy to make the decision at 16 and think that’s what you want. But when you own your own home and have “things” that have meaning (I.e, I just inherited all my parents wedding furniture) the choice is not so easy anymore!

Finish high school, go to College work a year and yes, date! You have plenty of time and right now is the time to be a teenager, and figure out where your career path lies.

But, do try to get to a couple of “Come and See” weekends. They are fun.
Rule of St. Augustine-based congregation. Several orders/congregations of women religious wear that particular ensemble. Actual Augustinians will wear black habits during the winter (usually).


Sisters of St. Rita: http://www.sistersofstrita.org/

Norbertine Sisters: https://www.sppc.us/norbertine-sisters

Dominican Sisters (St Cecilia, Nashville): http://www.nashvilledominican.com/

Dominican Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Eucharist (Ann Arbor, MI): http://www.sistersofmary.org/

Mercedarian Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament: http://mercedariansisters.org/

Sisters of the Most Holy Trinity: http://www.srstrinity.com/

Those are the biggies. There are others who follow the Rule of St. Augustine, but don’t wear a strictly white and black habit.

Yes, do attend come-and-see weekends. Dating – follow your heart. If a guy attracts you, go out, but the Catechism says not to go out with someone you wouldn’t consider marrying. I usually advise against it while discerning religious life. It’s not fair to either one of you.
I disagree on the dating. We’re talking to a 16 year old. In order for a proper discernment, she should learn about all her choices. Dating is a choice. It’s all part of discernment so you know what you are choosing between. Most communities I’ve looked at asked about my dating life. It felt awkward to discuss with the Sister, but they DO want you making an informed decision. It’s easy to make the choice to be a Sister if you don’t know what you’re giving up. To me, that’s an uneducated choice! It’s probably the one fault I have with Dominicans, Mary Mother of the Eucharist. They take children who don’t know enough about life to really make a qualified decision, in my honest opinion. They are also in an impoverished neighborhood. Of course the convent looks wonderful! None the less, there are things I do like about DMME that many communities lost. They pray and play together and are a family.

I have firsthand experience with a Nashville Dominican. If habit is important, check there. A sister at Nashville helped me get thru the Rosary block I had. Cool Sister!
As to dating, I´m still open regarding marriage. I will date if I meet someone I want to get to know in such a way. I need to be aware of the cost of going into religious life no matter if I choose to go into it or not. But of course, if I conclude with me being called to religious life - then I would have to end the relationship.

At this point in my life, I´m trying to keep all doors open while trying to discern whether or not I´m called to religious or married life. I don´t want to burn any bridges just yet. I don´t think I know just enough yet to be able to choose for myself one thing or the other - so I guess I just got to learn to love the discernment process haha! Even though I, for so much just want to have a clear answer. I suppose it´s just learning by living haha.
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Not could, does. Prayer in particular should be your bread and butter for these decisions, whether it’s religious life or marriage.
Prayer is indeed important… however, research and discussions with experts is just as critical to properly discerning a vocation.
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