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Is it right to believe that sometimes God talks to us thru dreams? If so are there any Catholic sites that helps us to interpret our dreams? I don’t live by my dreams, however I do sometimes get curious about them
Is it right to believe that sometimes God talks to us thru dreams? If so are there any Catholic sites that helps us to interpret our dreams? I don’t live by my dreams, however I do sometimes get curious about them
God talked to St. Joseph through dreams, didn’t He? Now, AFAIK, the Church never cared to interpret them, for when God talks to you through dreams, you don’t need interpretations as if it was really He, it should be crystal clear. 😉

I haven’t had any dreams that I thought were from God. Thank you very much!
From an itersting article about interpreting dreams etc.
The link is below it. Read it all, if your interested in this topic.
Modern theologians, whilst profiting by the progress of psychological research, continue to admit the possibility of dreams supernatural in their origin, and consequently the possibility of dream-interpretation depending on supernatural communications. As to ordinary dreams, they readily grant that, because the imaginative faculties of man acquire sometimes a keenness which they do not possess otherwise, it is possible in such cases to conjecture with a certain degree of probability some future events; but in all other cases, by far the most common, it is useless and illogical to attempt any interpretation. As a matter of fact dreams are now – we speak of civilized peoples – seldom heeded; only very ignorant and superstitious persons ponder over the “dictionaries of dreams” and the “keys to the interpretation of dreams” once so much in favour. “As idle as a dream” has become a proverb expressive of the popular mind on the subject, and indicating sufficiently that there is little need nowadays to revive the laws and canons enacted in past ages against divination through dreams.

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