Dressing up for outdoor mass

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So here in San Diego it has been particularly hot, even in the late afternoon.

I have mass today but its outdoors and im ushering.

Can i wear formal style shorts?
You’d better ask whoever’s in charge of the ushers. Different parishes can have different rules.
It’s been really hot here, hasn’t it? And that fire in Jamul! 😫 I’m worried about those poor animals at Lions, Tigers & Bears sanctuary. They don’t understand what’s going on, and I hope they’re ok. I feel sad for the people who lost homes too. 😦

But I digress… what are formal style shorts? Are they long shorts like chinos? I think that considering the circumstances, so long as your intentions were good, it would be fine. If you’re really worried about it though, just wear dockers and a short sleeved shirt. Remember to hydrate before Mass.
Can i wear formal style shorts?
I don’t know if it’s the case this year, but historically, both the Royal and US navies have had dress uniforms with short sleeves and pants for tropical climates.

And I recall years ago in Hawaii, the sign on the door of a RCC church which noted that given the climate, shorts were welcome, but please no swimsuits!
If it’s 100 degrees out, I’m surprised that they’re having Mass outdoors. Presumably it was in the shade? Were there fans? Is there ever a weather cancellation? Do people show up when it’s 100 degrees?
If it’s 100 degrees out, I’m surprised that they’re having Mass outdoors. Presumably it was in the shade? Were there fans? Is there ever a weather cancellation? Do people show up when it’s 100 degrees?
I am willing to bet that Catholics of Mexican heritage, of which there are likely many in San Diego, are not particularly bothered by 100-degree heat.
Mass is outdoors due to COVID-19 precautions. They’d rather have people endure the heat than observe masking and social distancing. Or both/and, I don’t know.
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Are the priests managing to wear vestments? I would take my cue from the other adult men in the parish.
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If it’s 100 degrees out, I’m surprised that they’re having Mass outdoors. Presumably it was in the shade? Were there fans? Is there ever a weather cancellation? Do people show up when it’s 100 degrees?
I am willing to bet that Catholics of Mexican heritage, of which there are likely many in San Diego, are not particularly bothered by 100-degree heat.
I live in a hot climate. It’s all relative. It’s supposed to be in the high 90s today, a great relief from the 110+ temps of the past few day. Over 100 is always hot. Some people are more bothered than others, but heritage has little to do with it.

Even if someone has grown up in a hot climate, one quickly acclimates to the mild temperatures of San Diego. In a city has average highs below 80° in August, 100° is going to feel very unreasonable.
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