Okay, obviously smoking weed recreationally (idk the Church’s teaching on medical use, but I assume they allow it based on what I’ve read in the CCC) and abusing drugs (including alcohol, as in getting drunk) in general is a sin. However, not all sinful things are illegal, as I don’t see anti-lust laws. So what about marijuana legalization, and other drugs as well? I have noticed how Pope Francis has opposed this, but these seem to be his own opinions, and I don’t think he’s made any authoritative statements on the subject (correct me if I’m wrong though). I myself have supported the idea of legalizing pot because I believe drug addicts need rehab, not punishment. However, I’m kind of iffy on legalizing other drugs, because I feel uncomfortable about the idea of seeing stores having sales on crack. However, either way, I feel all drugs should be at least decriminalized, if not legal, because, once again, if someone becomes addicted to or dependent on drugs, he should be sent to rehab, not jail. Before people starts giving cautionary tales on “evil libertarianism”, take a look at this quote from Summa Theologica:
I also believe that drug dealing in general should be decriminalized, but selling drugs to an addict should certainly be a criminal offense. And since that governments exist to pursue the common good, I could see it being logical to have local anti-drug laws in a place where it has created a bad social epidemic, such as when crack came out in urban areas in the 80s. Subsidiarity should have a prime importance in determining this, as federal drug laws are ridiculous. So give me your thoughts
BQ: unrelated question, but the Augustine quote advocated for prostitution to be tolerated by the authorities. Your thoughts on this?
Pax Christi
You could give some wiggle room to the non-aggression principle here, and if he proposes having prostitution be tolerated, why not drugs?I answer that, Human government is derived from the Divine government, and should imitate it. Now although God is all-powerful and supremely good, nevertheless He allows certain evils to take place in the universe, which He might prevent, lest, without them, greater goods might be forfeited, or greater evils ensue. Accordingly in human government also, those who are in authority, rightly tolerate certain evils, lest certain goods be lost, or certain greater evils be incurred: thus Augustine says (De Ordine ii, 4): “If you do away with harlots, the world will be convulsed with lust.”
I also believe that drug dealing in general should be decriminalized, but selling drugs to an addict should certainly be a criminal offense. And since that governments exist to pursue the common good, I could see it being logical to have local anti-drug laws in a place where it has created a bad social epidemic, such as when crack came out in urban areas in the 80s. Subsidiarity should have a prime importance in determining this, as federal drug laws are ridiculous. So give me your thoughts
BQ: unrelated question, but the Augustine quote advocated for prostitution to be tolerated by the authorities. Your thoughts on this?
Pax Christi