I know that substance dualism (the idea of a soul seperate from the brain) has been the predominant belief in religious ideologies. However, is the philosophy of Dual aspect theory (soul and brain two aspects of the same substance, aka you) compatible with Christianity? Just interested to see what everyone’s thoughts are.
In the philosophy of man
substance dualism would be the idea that in man there are two substances: one material, the other spiritual. However, this is not the Catholic position. Catholic philosophy teaches that in man there is only ONE substance with two substantial principles: the body (or matter) and the soul (the substantial form). This is not substance dualism, but a
dualism of substantial principles. We call them “principles” because they are the source or origin (
principium) of the substance, without each one being a complete substance in itself. The Catholic philosophy of man is therefore akin to the matter-form dualism in Aristotle’s hylemorphic doctrine. For, Aristotle teaches that all material substances have two substantial principles: prime matter and substantial form. However, in all living organisms (including plants and lower animals) the substantial form is called the
soul, because it is also a principle of life, and not just a principle of being.
dual aspect theory is the idea that there are two ways of viewing, or looking at, the same reality. Note that the word “aspect” derives from the Latin
aspicere, which means to look. For, example, physicists often talk about the particle-wave duality of the electron. This is because there are some physical phenomena that can best be described by “viewing” or thinking of the electron as a particle, but there are also other physical phenomena which can best be described by thinking of the electron as a wave. This dual aspect theory, however, does not apply to man. The matter and form (soul) of man are not two aspects (or “views”) of the same human substance. They are two different substantial principles of the human substance.
So, to answer your question, neither substance dualism nor the dual aspect theory is compatible with the Catholic philosophy of man.