In October, I met a girl who could not have been closer to my “dream girl.” We have so, so much in common, love all the same things, have the same vision for the future, want all the same things. We have started to discuss engagement. Yet, here recently over the past few weeks, I have begun to feel a call to the priesthood. I have always felt a little tug in that direction, but it was never overpoweringly obvious. Yet, now, when I go to Mass and watch my priest and friend celebrate Mass, I feel a deep longing to perform the same duties. I want to give my life to Christ, regardless if it means being married to my girlfriend or to the Church. But now I’m stuck… It feels like God is making me choose between the woman of my dreams and being a priest and serving the Church. Has anyone else felt this before? What pieces of advice would you give?
I have already been going to spiritual direction with my priest and have disclosed this to him. I will be meeting with my diocesan vocations director soon. Yet, I haven’t told my girlfriend yet… Any advice or encouragement is welcomed!
I have already been going to spiritual direction with my priest and have disclosed this to him. I will be meeting with my diocesan vocations director soon. Yet, I haven’t told my girlfriend yet… Any advice or encouragement is welcomed!