Dumb Fathers in some cartoons on Nickleodeon

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Am I over thinking or do the fathers on “The Fairly Odd Parents” and “Jimmy Neutron” seem stupid and rather hapless while the mothers are strong and exceptionally smart? Is this some sort of agenda here or am I overracting. I guess I would rather see equally strong parents, mother and father. Any thoughts?
You make a very astute observation here. I’ve noticed this trend throughout the media. I’ve seen it in television commercials as well. They’ll show the white male businessman in a meeting and some young, hip, feminist looking gal in her business suit has just the right solution for their telecommunications dilemna or new marketing strategy, while he stands there with mouth agape and eyes blank, speechless and bewildered.

Good post.
I remember in my youth when the Disney Channel was an optional for pay channel. My parents (mom especially) refused to order it because it presented parents as being stupid and outsmarted by their kids. Being Asian, she had absolutely no tolerance for anything showing kids disrespecting their parents. Having kids of my own now, and seeing some of the movies they put out, I very much agree with her assessments.

Nick, I tried not to even have the channel on since I found out their association with MTV. I used to enjoy their wholesome cartoons in the late 80s where parents had the wisdom of adult experience.
You are not overreacting. I do not allow my children to watch Nickelodeon or Cartoon Network. I tink 85% of the programming is a very dangerous influence on children disguised as a harmless cartoon. It is not worth the other 15% to try to be on top of , you can watch this show or that show. They watch WETA (a little politically correct, but I feel I can guide them safely through it), EWTN kids, and some Animal Planet.
This is nothing new. Dear Old Dumb Dad has been a staple of sitcoms since the 1950’s, if not earlier.
Its the feminizing of the American male. :tiphat:
I don’t know if I’d call it the “feminizing” so much as the “dumbing-down” of the American male. Between those cartoons, “The Man Show”, shows like “King of Queens” and “Everybody Loves Raymond”, etc., all of us are being programmed to think it’s okay for men to be irresponsible buffoons and that women are domineering shrews.

Hollywood is not exactly family-friendly, remember? :rolleyes:
I don’t like this, either.

I agree that it has been going on since the advent of television but it really bothers me. I would go so far to say that in most cartoons, both parents are being shown as unworthy of respect. But I agree that it is usually the mom who is competent and the dad a bumbling idjit.
Also, I notice that a lot of the mothers work and they are presented as being able to handle the household chores, a job, a husband, pets, and a yard all in stride with no one getting the shaft and she is happy as a clam. (I’m thinking in particular of “Stanley” on the Disney channel as I write that…)
Those shows aren’t allowed in our house now. Our son who tries to think he is too old at the age of six to watch some shows, adores Franlkin and I do too. I also love Little Bear, unfortunately these nice wholesome shows with two, wise and caring parents and sometimes grandparents are considered for the preschool set.

What a shame! A show where the protagonist and friends are trustworthy is wonderful and both of these shows have that. Sigh!

Men are being denigrated by the feminists in our society. As for me, I am very fortunate to have married the man I did – I thank God for him all the time.

We have 4 boys–the oldest is 6. They do not watch the “Fairly OddParents.” My husband and I told them that we don’t like the way they treat their parents–especially the way they talk to their parents. They are also not permitted to watch “Rugrats” and some of the others for the same reason.

My husband watches “Jimmy Neutron” with them. I am not very interested in cartoons.

I agree that Little Bear, Franklin, etc., are good shows to watch. If I can, I try to have the kids watch musicals from the 1940’s / 1950’s. They really enjoy, “Meet me in St. Louis,” “Going my Way,” and “White Christmas.” We still probably watch “White Christmas” on an average of once every 1 or 2 weeks. However, now the kids are putting their focus on the beginning of the movie–World War II and the bombs, etc. They do love the song and dance stuff, too.
Well, it IS a cartoon, you know.

I used to get exercised about the father in the Berenstain Bears books, who has to be the biggest idiot in any form of children’s entertainment. I would read those books to my guys and think, “Wow, I don’t want them thinking dads are stupid.”

Then I thought: This is a book they read once a week, for maybe 20 minutes. In 2 years, they’ll outgrow it. In the meantime, they’ll have me around everyday. They will see what a real father looks like; they will see how real men (and women) deal with everyday life. If I can’t compete with a cartoon bear, then maybe I don’t deserve their respect.

Besides, the comparison’s only going to make me look better.

So I lightened up. Six years later, it still SEEMS to be working.
Nickelodian is owned by Viacom which owns CBS and MTV. So, yes, they will portray traditional fathers as idiots.
I especially “love” their Christmas time special in which Angelica(Rugrat) claims Christmas is about parents and then all the characters sing “We Wish You A Merry Nickmas”.
This is kind of a silly thread, but you’re right. A lot of Nickelodeon fathers are dumb (Jimmy Neutron, Fairly Oddparents, etc.), but Fox also has some of those shows, too (The Simpsons, King of the Hill). I’m really not sure what anyone is trying to prove, though.
This is kind of a silly thread, but you’re right. A lot of Nickelodeon fathers are dumb (Jimmy Neutron, Fairly Oddparents, etc.), but Fox also has some of those shows, too (The Simpsons, King of the Hill). I’m really not sure what anyone is trying to prove, though.
Is Hank Hill really dumb? He’s always struck me as earnest and humorless, but that’s not the same thing.

And I thought both the parents on Fairly OddParents were pretty dumb. My kids aren’t allowed to watch that show when I’m around, but that’s only because I find it extremely annoying.

I still think the most suberversive cartoon ever is Bugs Bunny.
Even the dad on The Wild Thornberries acts obtuse, even when his character is supposed to be smart…it’s the mom who is depicted as being the smart, logical one. I’ve become rather disillusioned with Nick’s programming, but my husband actually watches the station (he’d kill me if he knew I blabbed that he likes As Told by Ginger and finds Karl fascinating).

When man and woman become one with the bonds of matrimony in the presence of Christ they form a covenant relationship with God that is, or can be, the most powerful union on earth. Why wouldn’t Satan and his minions want to destroy such a spiritually formidable instrument of God? And, there doesn’t seem to be anything subtle about their efforts. If you aren’t praying with your spouse at least twice a day you are missing the boat.
This is kind of a silly thread, but you’re right. A lot of Nickelodeon fathers are dumb (Jimmy Neutron, Fairly Oddparents, etc.), but Fox also has some of those shows, too (The Simpsons, King of the Hill). I’m really not sure what anyone is trying to prove, though.
It may be silly but it is another symptom, I think, of a society trying to redifine the family. I realize it is a cartoon and the children have an example of a better father, but many children don’t. Hollywood would’nt portray a “normal” family because it’s boring. There are just never any real alternatives. :banghead:
I especially “love” their Christmas time special in which Angelica(Rugrat) claims Christmas is about parents and then all the characters sing “We Wish You A Merry Nickmas”.
I completely FLIPPED when I heard this. I guess it was about 2 years ago. When those commercials start, that is the end of “Nick” until the New Year! Our kids know exactly WHY they are not permitted to even “click” to that channel! Some of the stuff is good, but as long as that commercial runs, we won’t allow the channel on in our house.
Just a Post Note. . .

I overheard our kids telling Grandma–

Oh, no Grandma. They are giving the wrong message about Christmas on Nickelodeon. They think Christmas is about how many presents you get. We know that Christmas is about Jesus.

Aaah. . .it did my heart good. Our oldest is 6 now. But, this was about 2 years ago. 🙂
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