Dumb question from a convert

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If you can’t find a parish in your area that isn’t afraid to actually teach what the church believes and not what they think “the spirit of Vatican II realllllly said” why can’t you start a parish that does… I mean Protestants do this all the time…😃
If you can’t find a parish in your area that isn’t afraid to actually teach what the church believes and not what they think “the spirit of Vatican II realllllly said” why can’t you start a parish that does… I mean Protestants do this all the time…😃
Is this a comment or a question? Is the question why can’t Catholics leave the parishes they are in and start a new one according to their beliefs?
Just checking so that we can all do our best to give you an answer… 🙂
Which is why there 25000 + Protestants groups with conflicting ideas.

As Catholics, it is only the Bishop ( with very few excptions) who can start and staff the Churches in any area. My Bishop has been saying for 15 years that he was going to build another Church in our area so that my Church won’t be over crowded. After 15 years, we still just have the promise.

Unfortunaly, if your local Church is into the “Spirit of Vatican II” then you must suffer for the Sacrafice of the Mass and to recieve the Body Blood Soul and Divinity of Jesus. God will bless you for your loyality.
If you can’t find a parish in your area that isn’t afraid to actually teach what the church believes and not what they think “the spirit of Vatican II realllllly said” why can’t you start a parish that does… I mean Protestants do this all the time…😃
I am unsure if you are really serious, or just making a comment about the state of Protestantism and the vast numbers of denominations. :confused:

I will assume you are serious with your question 😃 … from my knowledge (which is certainly far from official, so I hope those who may know better either confirm or correct my understanding) you have some options if you feel that your parish does not teach according to the official teachings of the Church.

First, discuss the issue with your priest. He may not be aware of your concerns or that misguided teaching is occuring in your parish. Likewise, your understanding of what is being taught in your parish may be incorrect. The priest, once he is aware of any infractions, has a duty to either justify the teaching as in line with official Church teaching, or if he knows what you tell him goes against official Church teaching, take steps to bring things back in line.

If a the priest does nothing, you have the right to take up the issue with your bishop. Again, the bishop has the obligation to either justify why the teaching going on in your parish is in fact in line with Churc teaching, or if the bishop determines it really is wrong, then he, like the priest, has the obligation to correct the misguided teaching going on in your parish. In fact, this is your bishop’s ultimate responsibility – to be a shepard to the flock and fight against any heresy.

Finally, if your bishop does nothing and cannot explain how the teachings going on are in line with the Church, then you do have the ability to take up the issue with Rome. I would hope it doesn’t get to this.

You also have the option of joining another parish in your area more in line with Church teaching. If you choose to do this, however, I believe it would be your obligation to inform the parish priest of the parish you are leaving as to your reasons why you are leaving. You don’t want the rest of the parish to suffer from misguided teaching and the priest may be unaware of the infractions.
It’s not a dumb question, especially if it’s a serious one. The primary difference between Protestantism and Catholicism boils down to one issue: authority. Authority of the Pope, and authority of his Bishops and priests. It is the authority of the Bishop alone to establish a new parish within his diocese. For the faithful to act without his approval, whether or not they adhere to the tenets of the faith, they become what are called by the Church “schismatics”. This is not a judgement on their beliefs, but on their obedience. To refuse to be governed by the Church is to leave it entirely.

That said, there are many ways the faithful can bring a parish back in line. Speaking to the priest would be the first thing to do. Let him know what you wish the Church would do to get the word out. If the priest is actually teaching falsehood, and will not listen to you, the next thing to do would be to contact the bishop and explain your concerns (charitably!). If he will not listen, go up the ranks, to Rome if necessary! Getting other parishioners to voice their opinions helps as well, because it would show that it’s not just one strong-willed person trying to get everyone else in line.
If you can’t find a parish in your area that isn’t afraid to actually teach what the church believes and not what they think “the spirit of Vatican II realllllly said” why can’t you start a parish that does… I mean Protestants do this all the time…😃
Do you mean have another protest ?:bigyikes: another protest another Church 😦
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