Dutch pediatricians seek child euthanasia (assisted suicide)

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This is the link. BioEdge, according to their website, concerns the latest news about bioethics around the world.
The Dutch Health Minister, Edith Schippers, has earmarked almost 400,000 Euros for a study of whether to expand eligibility for euthanasia to children between 1 and 12. At the moment, children under 1 may be killed with the consent of their parents following criteria set out in the Groningen Protocols. Children older than 12 are already eligible.
After neighbouring Belgium passed legislation in 2014 enabling child euthanasia, doctors and activists in the Netherlands are keen to catch up.
The Dutch Paediatric Association (NVK) kicked off a debate on the topic last year. It strongly supports a change. At the moment euthanasia of a child between 2 and 12 is only possible by invoking the doctrine of “force majeure” in the Dutch criminal code, which means that the doctor feels compelled to do it as an emergency measure. But this still leaves him open to prosecution. The NVK believes that age is an arbitrary criterion and that euthanasia should be available for anyone with mental competence. Some children, even if they are under and 12 and desperately ill, are astonishingly rational.
So it’s not just assisted suicide, it may end up being for children now!

Discuss… 😦
They should all return their medical licenses and resign their posts. :mad:
… This is it. I’m going to start Students for Life in one or two years at my high school. [BIBLEDRB]Luke 2[/BIBLEDRB]
This is beyond sad but sadly not surprising. Satan’s grip on the world is ever stronger and he uses the radical left to do his bidding.
They should all return their medical licenses and resign their posts. :mad:
I agree completely and if that doesn’t happen they should be revoked.

I would only hope and pray there would be such a huge uproar about children no less that euthanasia of any kind can be associated with children. How absolutely sickening.

Maybe the children of this sick Mario can band together and demand that adults protect their right to life.
Since they think children ate capable of making such decide…demand LIFE
Well, the world has embraced abortion, adult euthanasia, contraception, practicing homosexuality, the hook-up culture, divorce and remarriage, and even some bestiality in Canada, so what’s going to stop them now…

May God our Blessed Lord have mercy on this wicked generation and this aching world. Amen.

Would these babies be better off dead?

Also, a baby born without a brain (anencephaly) is a vegetable. Why keep this kind of creature alive?
Passive euthanasia is different than active euthanasia. Passive (allowed in the Catholic Church, and every major faith as well) euthanasia is “letting them pass” without medical care in the matter. Active euthanasia is using an agent of some sort to kill the person when they where they could already be alive.

Would these babies be better off dead?

Also, a baby born without a brain (anencephaly) is a vegetable. Why keep this kind of creature alive?
These babies would be better off loved. Some may die eventually due to the medical challenges which they faced, but each is a gift from God. "the Lord gave, and the Lord hath taken away: as it hath pleased the Lord so is it done: blessed be the name of the Lord. (Job 1:21)
A baby born with anencephaly is a baby; a carrot is a vegetable.
Many anencephaly babies die shortly after birth, but they may be held and treasured during their brief stay with us. An example of the gift given to us in the birth of an anencephaly child may be seen here.


May God bless you and all who visit our thread.
Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee, blessed art thou amongst women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus, Holy Mary, mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death.
Nothing new under the sun.Many years ago in a big city in the UK, they started letting eg spina bifida and other disabled babies die. They stopped feeding them. giving them water and a codeine based drug to make it easier. ie ??kinder??? A purpose built school for these little ones was left empty. I worked at a childrens home and a doctor said in front of one little girl who had a shunt in her head to treat hydrocephalis, that she should have been left to die at birth. She was a lovely little girl although disabled.

It is surely murder

Oh there was a case recently in Holland where a girl dancer in her 20s was allowed euthanasia after she hurt her foot. She said she could not face life without her dancing.
Nothing new under the sun.Many years ago in a big city in the UK, they started letting eg spina bifida and other disabled babies die. They stopped feeding them. giving them water and a codeine based drug to make it easier. ie ??kinder??? A purpose built school for these little ones was left empty. I worked at a childrens home and a doctor said in front of one little girl who had a shunt in her head to treat hydrocephalis, that she should have been left to die at birth. She was a lovely little girl although disabled.

It is surely murder

Oh there was a case recently in Holland where a girl dancer in her 20s was allowed euthanasia after she hurt her foot. She said she could not face life without her dancing.
Oh geez.
Have Mercy on us and on the whole world…
This is not a surprise. Liberalism is rampant in the Netherlands.
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