Some startling statistics in article:
Earlier Screening for Down’s Syndrome May Fuel Eugenic Progrom Against Disabled
89% of Down Syndrome babies in Canada, and 90% in U.S. are killed before birth
By Hilary White
PFNovember 10, 2005 (LifeSiteNews.com) - A US National Institutes of Health-financed study has shown that first-trimester screening with a blood test and ultrasound can detect Down’s syndrome in an unborn child 87% of the time. Another test in the second trimester can give up to 95% accurate diagnosis researchers report in The New England Journal of Medicine.
Lead author Fergal Malone says that the study of more than 38,000 U.S. women could lead to more screening using less invasive procedures. In most cases, Down’s syndrome is detected using amniocentesis or chorionic villus sampling (CVS), both invasive procedures that carry a risk of miscarriage. Malone stressed that screening should not be the only factor in a woman’s decision to “terminate” a pregnancy.
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