Does anyone know where I can find an online chronological list of the ECF’s? New Advent has a great list of the Fathers, but in alphabetical order. Thanks in advance.
Dear friends in Christ; this DOES NOT APPEAR to be a valid Catholic site, so be warned!, post:2, topic:220740"]
No it is not and contains open Heresy. This website should be ignored. I looked at it for a bit and it has whole pages dedicated to trying to fight the Church (with extremely poor arguments)Dear friends in Christ; this DOES NOT APPEAR to be a valid Catholic site, so be warned!
God Bless,
The OP made it clear that new advent fathers page does not give him/her a chornological listing.Try here.
It is my impression that Wicked-pedia is an anti-christian therefore anti-catholic website. lol I could be wrong.I think the list is okay, but there is a forum guideline against posting links to anti-catholic websites.