Hello. Just wondering if anyone out there could give me their feedback/advice on this question: My niece and her boyfriend will be at my families’ Easter dinner. My niece is heavily pregnant, and I have a daughter who is almost ten years old, is very impressionable and doesn’t know anything about sex, marriage, pregnancy except that a man and a woman get married and then if God blesses them, they get to have children. She is very innocent and I am not looking forward to explaining to her the details of unwed pregnancy, etc. I know that eventually she will have to know these things, but I feel that it is too soon for her to be exposed to this. Should I, a) go to the dinner and hope she doesn’t notice. b) explain to her before we go to the dinner, c) call her aunt and express my concerns to her d) not go to the dinner e) something else? I would appreciate any feedback on this from anyone. Ishii