Easter Meal Prayer

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Does anyone have any suggestions or good prayers, possibly from a Saint, that would be appropriate to say before our Family Easter meal. Also, I wanted to tactfully acknowledge the hope of the Resurrection for our deceased nephew who passed away last fall.

Any thoughts, references, or suggestions would be appreciated.
I’ll look around for you some more in a book I have, I have to go to bed now, as baby is calling… :rolleyes: But here’s a list that may have something that will be suitable to what you want to say.

BTW ~ what’s for dinner for Easter? I haven’t made up my mind yet what to make.
God of glory,
the eyes of all turn to you
as we celebrate Christ’s victory over sin and death.

Bless us and this food of our first Easter meal.
May we who gather at the Lord’s table
continue to celebrate the joy of his resurrection
and be admitted finally to his heavenly banquet.

Grant this through Christ our Lord.

O Lord, who hast blessed five loaves in the desert,
Graciously give us bread for life’s needs.
Almighty God, let not Thy gifts lead us to sin.
Let not the goblet of sparkling wine induce us to misdeeds.
While we enjoy our feast, let us also in charity remember
All those who suffer want and hunger.
May not the pleasure of the body stifle the inspirations
Of Thy Holy Spirit, O Lord.

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