Easy-to-read chastity/Theology of the Body reading for teens?

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I am an RCIA catechist, and currently the only one in the class is a 16-year-old girl (and her mother who accompanies her). I am using the Catechism/Compendium as a guide for the syllabus (not reading straight out of it, but covering the topics in it).

When we get to an appropriate section (Sacrament of Matrimony, 6th Commandment, etc.), I would like to be able to offer this young lady some good reading material on God’s plan for sexuality, Theology of the Body, or something along that line. I love Christopher West’s writing, but I think his writing style may be a little over her head (although I haven’t read any of his writings specifically directed toward teens).

Any recommendations? It would have to be:
  • easy to read (she doesn’t seem highly intellectual)
  • brief (to improve the odds that she would actually read it) — even an excellent pamphlet if not a whole book
  • faithful to the Church’s teachings
Thanks for any suggestions you might have.
Any of the books by Jason and Crystalina Evert 👍

Theology of the Body for Teens
By Jason and Crystalina Evert and Brian Butler
Theology of the Body for TeensPope John Paul II’s revolutionary Theology of the Body is changing lives around the world through its positive portrayal of our sexuality as a good and essential part of love and life.

Pure Womanhood
By Crystalina Evert
pure womanhoodIn today’s world, it’s all too easy for a young woman to fool herself with lies about love. Every woman longs for love, but many have given up. In Pure Womanhood, Crystalina Evert restores a woman’s hope.

If You Really Loved Me: 100 Questions on Dating, Relationships, and Sexual Purity
By Jason Evert
if you really loved meThis book is a collection of Jason’s answers to the top 100 questions he receives from teens around the world.

Pure Love
By Jason Evert
pure loveIn an easy to read question and answer format, this 32-page booklet is a great introduction to the topic of chastity. Due to its popularity in youth groups, confirmation classes, and high schools, Pure Love was given to over 100,000 teens at World Youth Day in Toronto.

“If You Really Loved Me” is probably exactly what you’re looking for, especially if she’ll be drawn to the question/answer style the book employs to tackle this important issue.
“If You Really Loved Me” is probably exactly what you’re looking for, especially if she’ll be drawn to the question/answer style the book employs to tackle this important issue.
I’ll take your suggestion seriously, Andy, since it is coming from a teenager.

And thanks to all of you for your suggestions — I now have plenty to choose from! God bless you all.
Real Love by Mary Beth Bonacci is an excellent chastity book for teens. It’s written in a very readable question and answer format. Highly recommended.

She has another book We’re On a Miassion from God that touches on some of the same themes, but in a broader context of life as a whole.

It looks like she also has a video out: Sex and Love: What’s a Teenager to Do? Although I have not seen it, I suspect it would be very good as her books are excellent. Besides, can anything bad come from Ignatius Press? 🙂
I just thought of another excellent resource: Talking to Youth About Sexuality: A Parent’s Guide by Fr. Kris D. Stubna and Mike Aquilina. This resource would be for your benefit as a catechist. You might even get a copy for the girl’s parents, too. It’s quite a handy booklet for approaching this often difficult subject (and it’s not too long).
This is excellent…You can’t beat the price either. $4.90
        **             Naked Without Shame,
A Crash Course in the Theology of the Body 10 CD Set****

(FYI: was $3.90 now $4.90) ** ]

This is a very detailed series of talks. It would take a L-O-N-G time to get through it, and I would not recommend it for a teen who needs something fast and fairly easy to grasp. I started listening to this (in half-hr sessions) and got to about the 5th CD. Also, West is enthusiastic in his speaking, but sometimes his voice gets a little squeaky, and without the facial expression and body language to go along with it, it sounds a bit, well, silly in places. Don’t get me wrong, I think he is an excellent speaker and teacher; I’ve seen him in person and on DVD.

Theology of the Body for teens is a high quality coursebook, although it is meant to be used in a class-discussion mode with a leader. You could get that and select specific assignments, I suppose. I plan on using parts of it in a chastity ed program coming up in the fall for Catholic jr high students.

can i just point out that she is only 16. don’t bombard her with sex. its an rcia class. sex should not be the primary focus of rcia, especially for a teenager. i agree with totb for teens just know it is more like a lesson plan book. it is designed for an actual course on theology of the body.

i would not reccomend christopher west to a teenager. the pope’s material is better and is actually not as hard to read as christopher west makes it out to be to the adults.
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