I’m presenting a situation for my Philosophy club to debate. Its not for a paper, I just want to be prepared for debate. I already have my opinions on the matter.
It pertains to age of reason and parental responsibility.
Names are changed to protect privacy
Keith, age 10, is a charming, friendly boy. He’s an only child of a teacher and a restraunt manager, a bit awkward, but involved in school activities and typically is kind to everyone he meets.
Due to the recent effects that bullying has been blamed on several area schools develop a typical “zero tolerance” policy including verbal bulling, however, this document includes retribution (need to take classes, fines, suspention, manditory voulenteer work) for any teacher who sees overt bullying or learns of it and does nothing.
At the same time Keith has developed a defiant/lazy strek of lack of hygene. After a month long battle his mother decides to let him suffer the natural consequences of not helping with the laundry, not washing himself and not brushing his teeth. (at this point he’d lost all privalages and didn’t care). She hoped peer pressure would swing her son back to taking care of himself. Keith’s mom informed his homeroom teacher and went on to teach her middle school classes (conjoined schools).
Three days later Keith was badly verbally bullied directly for his lack of hygene. He came home in tears but his parents gave him little sympathy except to explain that they couldn’t always protect him from the world and in his disobedeiance he’d made it imposible for them to teach him the easy way.
Kieth was furious at his parent’s attitudes. He didn’t shape up hygenically and he continued to be teased. A week later he wrote a letter to the princible of his school without his parents knowing and told him the situation saying he didn’t feel safe at school and saying that his mom was a teacher and hadn’t reported the bullying she knew about.
I know the kid and i didn’t believe the situation until I saw the letter in his own handwriting. It seemed like total, massive manipulation to get his own way to me.
Ethic question 1:
Is Kieth within the age of reason?
If so should he be punished for trying to get his mother in trouble?
If he is should he be punished for his defiance?
How young is too young to manipulate rules?
If not should Kieth’s parents be charged with neglet?
If he’s not of the age of reason then is his continued defiance of his parent’s rules simply the affect of bad parenting?
Question 2
Should Kieth’s mom be punished as a teacher who covered up bullying?
Especally for those of you who are parents (only one of the three proffers in the club has kids, so I don’t know how much I’ll need to debate this) does natural consequences seem like a fair punishment? Did Keith’s parents deliberly set him up for bullying or did the not realize what they were doing?
It pertains to age of reason and parental responsibility.
Names are changed to protect privacy
Keith, age 10, is a charming, friendly boy. He’s an only child of a teacher and a restraunt manager, a bit awkward, but involved in school activities and typically is kind to everyone he meets.
Due to the recent effects that bullying has been blamed on several area schools develop a typical “zero tolerance” policy including verbal bulling, however, this document includes retribution (need to take classes, fines, suspention, manditory voulenteer work) for any teacher who sees overt bullying or learns of it and does nothing.
At the same time Keith has developed a defiant/lazy strek of lack of hygene. After a month long battle his mother decides to let him suffer the natural consequences of not helping with the laundry, not washing himself and not brushing his teeth. (at this point he’d lost all privalages and didn’t care). She hoped peer pressure would swing her son back to taking care of himself. Keith’s mom informed his homeroom teacher and went on to teach her middle school classes (conjoined schools).
Three days later Keith was badly verbally bullied directly for his lack of hygene. He came home in tears but his parents gave him little sympathy except to explain that they couldn’t always protect him from the world and in his disobedeiance he’d made it imposible for them to teach him the easy way.
Kieth was furious at his parent’s attitudes. He didn’t shape up hygenically and he continued to be teased. A week later he wrote a letter to the princible of his school without his parents knowing and told him the situation saying he didn’t feel safe at school and saying that his mom was a teacher and hadn’t reported the bullying she knew about.
I know the kid and i didn’t believe the situation until I saw the letter in his own handwriting. It seemed like total, massive manipulation to get his own way to me.
Ethic question 1:
Is Kieth within the age of reason?
If so should he be punished for trying to get his mother in trouble?
If he is should he be punished for his defiance?
How young is too young to manipulate rules?
If not should Kieth’s parents be charged with neglet?
If he’s not of the age of reason then is his continued defiance of his parent’s rules simply the affect of bad parenting?
Question 2
Should Kieth’s mom be punished as a teacher who covered up bullying?
Especally for those of you who are parents (only one of the three proffers in the club has kids, so I don’t know how much I’ll need to debate this) does natural consequences seem like a fair punishment? Did Keith’s parents deliberly set him up for bullying or did the not realize what they were doing?