Hi John - I noticed that too and I, as a republican, want to say I am deeply disappointed with
those few republicans who could have made this protective legislation happen but did not.
I also want to say that if there were more pro-Life democrats, and if the party platform and party as a whole were committed to protecting unborn Americans from the assassination which is abortion, I would be thrilled. I would even vote democrat in any race where the democratic candidate was more pro-Life than the republican one, taking into account all the life issues.
But as it is, it is not only the fact that there are precious few Democrats who are pro-Life (although their small number does seem to be growing), the problem is that the PARTY is anti-Life: Look at this particular bill. EIGHT democrats who voted FOR this life-saving legislation, and helped get it passed FLIP-FLOPPED when it came time for them to stand by their conscience and send the approved bill on to be put into law. WHY? Because their PARTY wanted to stop the bill.