One of my sisters in the Dominican laity introduced me to the Passionists. I knew they existed, but she actually put the literature in my hands. She even took me to Erlanger to attempt to dissuade me from the Visitation. She was a Passionist Promoter (not sure what that is), and gave me a tiny Passion Sign pin. Although I am a Lay Dominican, I also consider myself a Lay Passionist because I incorporate their spirituality into my way of life.
One piece of literature that this lady let me see (she and her husband were discerning separation for the sake of entering separate cloistered orders) was “Your Life as a Passionist Nun” from Ellisville. They had a six-foot tall novice at the time of the photo, and about 10 to 15 sisters. I was truly surprised to see that they had lost members so badly. Yes, all of the Passionists need vocations – all branches, but especially the nuns. The active branches are the “hands and feet” of the nuns’ promotion vow – that all be grateful for the Sacred Passion.