Emergence theory posits that reality is basically a geometric structure and that all of physics at its core is geometry:
Specifically, at the planck length there are three dimensional tetrahedron pixels whose state can be collapsed by an observer in a way like binary language, yes and no, on and off, 0 and 1, giving rise to spacetime/reality. They explain their findings as:A central feature of reality behaving geometrically is that all fundamental particles and forces in nature, including gravity, can transform into one another, through a process called gauge symmetry transformation, in a manner that corresponds precisely to the vertices of the 8-dimensional polytope of a crystal called the E8 lattice.
From this they conclude that the universe has a base consciousness which inhabits every tetrahedron in order to collapse their state since without an observer, as in traditional Quantum Mechanics, the state does not collapse and there is no way to measure it unless there is collapse of the wave function. According to Emergence Theory, consciousness is a fundamental property of the universe and higher beings like us who have gone through the complex process of evolution we have been able to achieve a much higher level of consciousness. But in their own words, which are much more articulate than mine:Emergence theory focuses on projecting the 8-dimensional E8 crystal to 4D and 3D. When the fundamental 8D cell of the E8 lattice (a shape with 240 vertices known as the “Gosset polytope”) is projected to 4D, two identical, 4D shapes of different sizes are created. The ratio of their sizes is the golden ratio. Each of these shapes are constructed of 600 3-dimensional tetrahedra rotated from one another by a golden-ratio based angle. We refer to this 4D shape as the “600-Cell.” The 600-Cells interact in specific ways (they intersect in 7 golden-ratio related ways and “kiss” in one particular way) to form a 4D quasicrystal. By taking 3D subspaces of this 4D quasicrystal and rotating them from one another at a certain angle, we form a 3D quasicrystal that has one type of proto-tile: a 3D tetrahedron.