My 20 year old son has SSA and, as far as I know, is acting on those feelings. My hearts aches for what he is doing to himself physically, mentally, and, above all, spiritually. I pray to St. Monica about him for I know she would understand this situation best. A mother wants to be able to protect her child from all the world’s ills but is not always able to. He is free to make his choices, granted by God.
Whenever I see others with SSA, I say to myself that this is ‘my child’ and hurt and pray for them as if they were. I weep for the lies that are being told to them by those who wish to “help” them, “accept” them, and “make them comfortable” in society. You show my child no love by doing this. As much as I don’t want my child to experience pain (as no mother does), I would rather he experience it here and now than after death when it’s too late.
For those that would call me a bigot…I pray for them too. They too have bought into the lies of this world and the great deceiver (Satan). I accept all the slurs gladly…my main concern is that my child finds God/Truth in the end and any pain is worth reaching that goal to me.
In Christ,
P.S. Great question and observation Blindsheep!