Saint; Please type the letter “e” on your keyboard.
Darwin; “e”
Saint; Now if you will, please type the letter “s”
Darwin; “s”
Priori Impetus - “Determinism”
Granted that if I had asked for you to type an “x”, then you would have been inspired to choose the “x” key from an outside source and thus what you choose, in this scenario, is not entirely free.
But Reality/Truth/God also provides that you may choose to be uncooperative. And choose a different key just to avoid what was asked of you. The inspiration for doing such comes from your attitudes. But you have a degree of freedom (and thus will) concerning your attitudes.
You can help to inspire your attitude to be more or less cooperative or harmonious and thus affect the eventuality of whether you type the “e” or another key in its place. But your freedom in this regard is a combination of what is happening to inspire you from outside of you as well as the choice you make to try.
Freedom from Priori Impetus
Jesus offered that if you will do as he suggests, he will help you to obtain more harmonious attitudes. But whether being harmonious is something you choose to pursue or not is largely dependant on your life up to that point and thus Jesus provided a surrounding influence to offset the impetus to not be harmonious (a Church), thereby balancing the pressure upon you (zeroing out prior impetus) and thus putting the ball of choice back into your court (free from prior Satan’s influence). At that point, you have no strong impetus in either direction, thus your will has been freed from prior pressures.
The right pressure frees you from the left pressure. Knowing when to stop pressuring is what allows continued freedom rather than merely being pulled back and forth.
Rational Will vs Emotional Will
When the prior impetuses of life have been zeroed out, you are free to actually think more carefully and obey what you think rather than merely obey your emotional or psychological state that emerged from prior influences.
Rational choices are those made with relevant and real truth. But then what you think is effected by prior impetus (education, information) and thus it is important that Truth be passed to you so that when you have the freed will to do as your mind chooses (freed from emotional imbalance pressures), your mind will have the Truth with which to make rational choice.
That is why Jesus provided the impetus to “spread the word”. The “word” is not merely an emotional or psychological influence. Although much too greatly under-emphasized, it actually does contain real understanding within. “Truth will set you free”.
Reality of Christianity
In the mix and mess of life, people do all they can to alter their surroundings in an effort to balance their surroundings into something harmonious to themselves. This means that if a person is half right about a concern such as Christianity, he is likely, through time and generations perhaps, to do anything to cause his surroundings to also be only half right.
In this regard, Christians and Christianity are no different than everyone and everything else. They try as does the entire rest of the world. The distinction is in what they are trying, even if they are not particularly good at it.
What they are trying is to actually free your will so that you can make rational choices (defined to be those actually to your own benefit) rather than being a slave to those who can cause your choices to be only as they choose, whether to your benefit or not.
Okay, okay, I know. Christians often become the very adversary they are supposed to be fighting. This too is common in almost all large endeavors, including Secularism as it has become another religion of its own. But that means that there is truly always an adversary to your freedom to exercise your rational mind. At least some are trying to help rather than merely trying to force their will over yours.
“Forgive them for they know not what they do.” – It didn’t merely apply to the Jews.
Darwin; “e”
Saint; Now if you will, please type the letter “s”
Darwin; “s”
Saint; It seems that you exercised your will and nothing stopped you from accomplishing your will. That is “free-will” - the freedom to exercise your will.
Reality/Truth/God provides you with the ability to accomplish typing the “e” after you have chosen to do so. There is nothing stopping you other than your own will. That is freedom of will – “free-will”.Priori Impetus - “Determinism”
Granted that if I had asked for you to type an “x”, then you would have been inspired to choose the “x” key from an outside source and thus what you choose, in this scenario, is not entirely free.
But Reality/Truth/God also provides that you may choose to be uncooperative. And choose a different key just to avoid what was asked of you. The inspiration for doing such comes from your attitudes. But you have a degree of freedom (and thus will) concerning your attitudes.
You can help to inspire your attitude to be more or less cooperative or harmonious and thus affect the eventuality of whether you type the “e” or another key in its place. But your freedom in this regard is a combination of what is happening to inspire you from outside of you as well as the choice you make to try.
Freedom from Priori Impetus
Jesus offered that if you will do as he suggests, he will help you to obtain more harmonious attitudes. But whether being harmonious is something you choose to pursue or not is largely dependant on your life up to that point and thus Jesus provided a surrounding influence to offset the impetus to not be harmonious (a Church), thereby balancing the pressure upon you (zeroing out prior impetus) and thus putting the ball of choice back into your court (free from prior Satan’s influence). At that point, you have no strong impetus in either direction, thus your will has been freed from prior pressures.
The right pressure frees you from the left pressure. Knowing when to stop pressuring is what allows continued freedom rather than merely being pulled back and forth.
Rational Will vs Emotional Will
When the prior impetuses of life have been zeroed out, you are free to actually think more carefully and obey what you think rather than merely obey your emotional or psychological state that emerged from prior influences.
Rational choices are those made with relevant and real truth. But then what you think is effected by prior impetus (education, information) and thus it is important that Truth be passed to you so that when you have the freed will to do as your mind chooses (freed from emotional imbalance pressures), your mind will have the Truth with which to make rational choice.
That is why Jesus provided the impetus to “spread the word”. The “word” is not merely an emotional or psychological influence. Although much too greatly under-emphasized, it actually does contain real understanding within. “Truth will set you free”.
Reality of Christianity
In the mix and mess of life, people do all they can to alter their surroundings in an effort to balance their surroundings into something harmonious to themselves. This means that if a person is half right about a concern such as Christianity, he is likely, through time and generations perhaps, to do anything to cause his surroundings to also be only half right.
In this regard, Christians and Christianity are no different than everyone and everything else. They try as does the entire rest of the world. The distinction is in what they are trying, even if they are not particularly good at it.
What they are trying is to actually free your will so that you can make rational choices (defined to be those actually to your own benefit) rather than being a slave to those who can cause your choices to be only as they choose, whether to your benefit or not.
Okay, okay, I know. Christians often become the very adversary they are supposed to be fighting. This too is common in almost all large endeavors, including Secularism as it has become another religion of its own. But that means that there is truly always an adversary to your freedom to exercise your rational mind. At least some are trying to help rather than merely trying to force their will over yours.
“Forgive them for they know not what they do.” – It didn’t merely apply to the Jews.