Encouraging News From Ohio!

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April 21, 2005–Ohio Rep. Tom Brinkman will be introducing legislation in the Ohio House of Representatives in the next couple of weeks that would prohibit all forms of abortion-on-demand in the state of Ohio. A co-sponsor request was recently issued and legislators are already responding.

The proposed legislation will make it illegal to perform any abortion on a woman. It also places felony penalties on an individual who attempts to coordinate an abortion for a minor, and makes it a felony to transport a woman across state lines to obtain an abortion. Under this legislation, pregnant women seeking an abortion will not be charged with a crime.

“It is time for government to be on the offensive to protect human life, rather than defensive,” said Rep. Brinkman. “As we saw during the last presidential election, Ohio is a front-runner for upholding moral values. Ohio legislators and their constituents are ready for this bold legislation that again demonstrates Ohio’s leadership.”

Advance notice of the ban was enthusiastically received Tuesday, April 19, at the Ohio Family Lobby Day in Columbus. Lobby Day participants included individual grassroots activists and representatives from the Pro-Family Network, Citizens for Community Values, Christian Coalition of Ohio, Eagle Forum of Ohio, Family First State and Federal PAC, Institute for Principled Policy, Center for Moral Clarity, Pray Ohio, Warren County Right to Life, Right to Life of Greater Cincinnati, and more.

  1. Please go to www3.capwiz.com/fof/dbq/officials to:
    Contact your Ohio state representative to co-sponsor this legislation.
    Ask your Ohio state senator to publicly support this legislation.
  2. Forward this information to your email lists.
    Direct questions to:
    Kara Joseph
    Assistant to Rep. Tom Brinkman
    Paula Westwood, Executive Director
    Right to Life of Greater Cincinnati
    513/728-7870, ext. 207
I sent my letters. Thanks for posting.
  • Congretional District 1
  • OH Senate, District 8
  • OH House of Rep, District 30
Is there any chance, at all, that
this will go anywhere?
I sure pray it will. Here is my take: Even if the legislation in its entirety does not pass, I want my state representatives to know how I feel and what I want from them. This way my voice is heard for this issue and my voice will resonate when they have other issues that come up.

I had the opportunity at one point to engage in dialog with Senator Blessing regarding medical liability insurance and legislation because I had previously contacted him in relation to another issue and a project I was working on in the health care field.
It is very powerful if you have the ear of a senator or representative, so I never pass up the opportunity to meet with a legislature or send a letter. It is also much better to send a personal letter rather than a form letter. If all you can do is send a form letter, it is better to personalize an email or form letter. However, I personally had luck calling and speaking personally to some legislators. So I say it is always worth a try!
Has this been on the news? I haven’t watched the news or read the newspaper in ages.

I’ll e-mail this to everyone I know.
Wow! I am so psyched about this! I haven’t heard anything about this at all! I can’t wait to tell everyone at my prayer group tomorrow morning in front of the abortion clinic!! 😉
How are they going to get this upheld (given it even passes) under Roe v. Wade?
That is wonderful! The state of Mississippi is about to close the only one it has down:clapping: But sadly alot of them come to Memphis:crying:
How are they going to get this upheld (given it even passes) under Roe v. Wade?
They aren’t.

This is just a political show to garner votes for the next election. No actual unborn babies will be saved.
They aren’t.

This is just a political show to garner votes for the next election. No actual unborn babies will be saved.
We can pray, at least. Christians helped to undo the Supreme Court’s decisions regarding slavery and we must do the same for preborn children. Prayer is stronger than anything I know.
They aren’t.

This is just a political show to garner votes for the next election. No actual unborn babies will be saved.
How do you know? Just getting the press coverage such a thing would get is encouraging. Who knows how many people will be encouraged to redouble their efforts on the pro-life scene? This past Tuesday, I witnessed someone change their mind about having an abortion. She and her boyfriend then came across the street and thanked the “2” of us for being there. Our witness helped her change her mind. So, an “actual unborn baby” was saved. It was such an overwhelming experience. And there were only 2 of us! Just imagine if more people were encouraged to join us by the publicity of a possible anti-abortion law? Pro-lifers who have become discouraged may just find the energy to get back out there. If even one baby is saved as a result, it will be worth it!
How do you know?
If the legislators were truly serious about saving unborn lives, they would pass a law outlawing all post-viability abortions that are not required to protect the mother’s life and/or health. This is all the abortion restriction that the Supreme Court will currently allow.

By doing so, unborn lives would begin to be saved as soon as the bill became law. Awareness would be raised even more, because this law would actually stop people who wanted such abortions but would not be able to obtain them anymore.

Passing a law that is known to be unconstitutional merely serves to preserve the status quo. I would think the politicans could think of better ways to spend their time than just trying to look good without actually accomplishing anything.

N.B. If the legislators had already passed such a bill as I’ve described in my first paragraph, then I could see some benefit in also passing a symbolic measure as they are currently doing. However, what they are doing now is pure hypocrisy.
If the legislators were truly serious about saving unborn lives, they would pass a law outlawing all post-viability abortions that are not required to protect the mother’s life and/or health. This is all the abortion restriction that the Supreme Court will currently allow.

By doing so, unborn lives would begin to be saved as soon as the bill became law. Awareness would be raised even more, because this law would actually stop people who wanted such abortions but would not be able to obtain them anymore.

Passing a law that is known to be unconstitutional merely serves to preserve the status quo. I would think the politicans could think of better ways to spend their time than just trying to look good without actually accomplishing anything.

N.B. If the legislators had already passed such a bill as I’ve described in my first paragraph, then I could see some benefit in also passing a symbolic measure as they are currently doing. However, what they are doing now is pure hypocrisy.
How do you know what the composition of the Supreme Court will be when and if this bill passes and makes its way through the lower courts? That could take some time, you know. There’s a decent chance that we could have a pro-life majority on the court by then. My understanding is that if Roe were to be overturned (unlikely, maybe, but far from unthinkable) only six states have laws on the books that would ban abortion at all. The rest, if they want to ban the practice, would need to start from ground zero.

Doesn’t it make sense to at least have the law on the books in case the abomination that is Roe v. Wade is overturned?

Also, I think we are on rather thin ice when we claim to know what people’s real motivations are. I don’t know Rep. Brinkman well, but I’ve spent some time with him and am very close to someone else who knows him pretty well. I don’t know what’s in his heart - only he himself and God know that - but for my own part I am satisfied that his motives are far from cynical.

Catholic2003, did you read the rest of my post, or did you just take the first sentence and go off on a rant against politicians? Even if it doesn’t get passed it could be beneficial in re-awakening psople to the cause. I am not a pessimist. I will take every good piece of news I can get. My hope is in the Lord! If it is God’s will, and with a lot of work and a ton of prayer,we may just prove you wrong. If not, at least the effort was made.

Haldir, thank you for your fine take on the issue! You are an optimist like me? 🙂
I think the law is has at best a 50/50 shot of passing, and the chances of its being upheld in the courts are somewhat less than that. That’s my all-too-human calculation. But I couldn’t agree with you more that our hope is in the Lord. As Blessed Mother Theresa said so often, “we are not called to be successful - we are called to be faithful.” Though I believe the legislation is a bit of a long shot, long shots sometimes come out on top, even if we were to reckon without God. With His help and our steady faithfulness, and as you say “tons of prayer”, who knows what will happen?

Your point about the educative value of the bill is also very well taken. We don’t want people to continue thinking of legal abortion as an unchangeable fact of life (or death.) Bills such as Rep. Brinkman’s challenge the status quo.

I was on two other Christian forums during the last presidential campaign where I heard a lot of people saying that the politicians weren’t serious about stopping abortion because all they did was try to limit it. If the politicians were serious, these folks said, bills to ban it entirely would have been introduced. (Which appears to be the reverse of Catholic2003’s complaint.) My own opinion is that we should hit abortion with “both/and” - not “either/or”. Some say legislation isn’t the answer: we need to change the culture. I say we need to do both. Some say attack it at the root, while others say to put limits on it. I say we need to attack it at the root, and until that effort bears fruit we also need to try to limit it.

Catholic2003, did you read the rest of my post, or did you just take the first sentence and go off on a rant against politicians?
I did in fact read your entire post. One way you could have realized that was by my comment that “Awareness would be raised even more” by passing an abortion law that was actually enforceable.
Also, I think we are on rather thin ice when we claim to know what people’s real motivations are.
I’d like to see you go over to this thread and tell that to the folks who have no qualms calling Hillary Clinton a liar when she says, “There is no reason why government cannot do more to educate and inform and provide assistance so that the choice guaranteed under our constitution either does not ever have to be exercised or only in very rare circumstances.”
I’d like to see you go over to this thread and tell that to the folks who have no qualms calling Hillary Clinton a liar when she says, “There is no reason why government cannot do more to educate and inform and provide assistance so that the choice guaranteed under our constitution either does not ever have to be exercised or only in very rare circumstances.”
You may not have noticed that I’m a Junior Member. This is the first (or maybe second) thread I’ve participated in. If I happen to notice that someone says something I think is a little uncharitable in a thread I want to be involved in, I might mention it. But I sure don’t want to go around to threads in which I’ve not been involved pretending to be the Nice Police or something!

Having said that, I wouldn’t go so far as some did on the thread you cited, and say that Hillary is lying. It’s possible that she’s had an epiphany of some kind since the last time she voted against the partial birth abortion ban. None of us is beyond the possibility of genuine repentance, and I’m willing to give her the benefit of the doubt until the next vote on abortion comes up. What she does then will be the truest test of her sincerity.

It does seem to me, however, that it is one thing to distrust someone with a long and dishonorable history of supporting abortion without restrictions of any kind. It is quite another to ascribe, without evidence, cynical motives to someone like Rep. Brinkman, who has a long and honorable history of supporting pro-life causes.

It does seem to me, however, that it is one thing to distrust someone with a long and dishonorable history of supporting abortion without restrictions of any kind. It is quite another to ascribe, without evidence, cynical motives to someone like Rep. Brinkman, who has a long and honorable history of supporting pro-life causes.
I don’t feel that I have the obligation to be duped by Rep. Brinkman anymore than I have the obligation to be duped by Hillary Clinton. In both cases, actions speak louder than words.

Based on Rep. Brinkman’s actions alone, I really have to question his decision to support a “publicity stunt only” abortion bill when he could just as easily lend his support to an abortion bill that would actually be enforceable under the law of the land. After all, it’s not as though a real law would have less of an educational value. Note that I would welcome the opportunity to reassess my evaluation of Rep. Brinkman if he would address this issue/question.

As to the issue of his bill being upheld in the courts, there is absolutely no chance of that. Even if Roe v. Wade were overturned, the proposed bill (as described above) makes no allowance for abortions that are required to save the life of the mother, and it isn’t really within the realm of possibility to think that the Supreme Court would deny women the right to protect their own lives. That is, this bill is crafted in such as a way as to guarantee that it will be unenforceable, even in a future where Roe v. Wade is overturned.
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