Sorry for so many questions… I read the following in an Encyclical:
“I.Any Latin rite missionary, whether of the secular or religious clergy, who induces with his advice or assistance any Eastern rite faithful to transfer to the Latin rite, will be deposed and excluded from his benefice in addition to the ipso facto suspension a divinis and other punishments that he will incur as imposed in the aforesaid Constitution Demandatam. That this decree stand fixed and lasting We order a copy of it be posted openly in the churches of the Latin rite.” (Source: papalencyclicals.net/Leo13/l13orient.htm )
What if someone who is Eastern Catholic is thinking of becoming Latin Catholic and their priest thinks its a good idea and helps them? there can’t be another way of transferring (often you might need your priest’s letters etc) so what does this mean? is it only about missionaries, or about using force to achieve this?
I shared my story with my priest and other priests before and I was often told afterwards that it would be good for me to switch rites, which I agreed with, but the priest brought it up before I did. I wasn’t sure if it’s God’s will but I practice as a Latin Catholic and I was thinking of switching ritesin the past. As it happened, my application was not approved. But what does this encyclical mean?
“I.Any Latin rite missionary, whether of the secular or religious clergy, who induces with his advice or assistance any Eastern rite faithful to transfer to the Latin rite, will be deposed and excluded from his benefice in addition to the ipso facto suspension a divinis and other punishments that he will incur as imposed in the aforesaid Constitution Demandatam. That this decree stand fixed and lasting We order a copy of it be posted openly in the churches of the Latin rite.” (Source: papalencyclicals.net/Leo13/l13orient.htm )
What if someone who is Eastern Catholic is thinking of becoming Latin Catholic and their priest thinks its a good idea and helps them? there can’t be another way of transferring (often you might need your priest’s letters etc) so what does this mean? is it only about missionaries, or about using force to achieve this?
I shared my story with my priest and other priests before and I was often told afterwards that it would be good for me to switch rites, which I agreed with, but the priest brought it up before I did. I wasn’t sure if it’s God’s will but I practice as a Latin Catholic and I was thinking of switching ritesin the past. As it happened, my application was not approved. But what does this encyclical mean?