End Times Obessed

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Theres been a lot a talk on youtube from Youtube Fundies

one called END2028 with his footage of a guy claiming to have “terrifying visions of judgment day”

Another quoting the Book of Enoch as end 2019

And a guy called “Bible Flock Box” who made a video “2019 Jesus Final Warning to humanity”

And the thing is, they claim they are “not date-setting” saying they we can estimate weather be by calculations, the book of enoch, “signs” even though Preterist interpretation has shown otherwise(we’re preterists right?)

“Oh matthew 24 doesnt apply forever”

“We can know the month and the year”

“A sign! A sign! A sign!”

And they have hundreds of subscribers who are either terrified or cultishly excited

“Rapture! Oh Rapture! We’re going to be raptured! You deny the signs and prophises like a bunch of Pharasiees, Rapture! Oh Rapture! We’re going to be raptured!”

It’s scary, they’ve all become about “soul saving” and prophecies than morals, teachings, and cultures it’s almost like Gnosticism

Shouldn’t we be concerned?
“Oh matthew 24 doesnt apply forever”
“We can know the month and the year”
Really? Nice to know that They know more than Jesus Himself, or can unilaterally reinterpret his clear as crystal statements on the matter… :roll_eyes:🤷‍♂️
Shouldn’t we be concerned?
Why? This is, what, the infinity+1st person who claims to have inside knowledge of the End Times (Inside knowledge that not even Jesus has, but only The Father) and is almost certainly the infinity+1st person who is going to leave all his followers disappointed?
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(Please Note: This uploaded content is no longer available.)

We’re nearing the Minor Tribulation that precedes a Period of Peace. Then comes the Antichrist and the Major Tribulation.

Trial, Tribulation & Triumph: Before, During, and After Antichrist https://www.amazon.com/dp/1882972732/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_MBaLCbY0FGQTS

There’s no evidence to support the Rapture Theory. There’s no reason for people to believe that the End is nigh.
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You have time to be concerned about gunk you see on Youtube?

I am too busy trying to navigate through my daily responsibilities to care what the latest batch of crazy people on YouTube or any other platform have to say.

I would recommend you maybe take a break from the Internet if this is truly concerning you. You should not be taking this stuff seriously. Jesus said no one knows the day or the hour.
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But of the times and the seasons, brethren, ye have no need that I write unto you. For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night.
Regardless of Pope’s prophecies or whatever I’ve noticed everyone has given up preserving Catholic and Western Culture, making Catholic Art(writing, music, anything), trying to find an S/O and start a family, and just trying to get everyone to convert and cower in churches to pray and get others to do the same. Regardless what time we are in we don’t retreat to Gnosticism or Manichaeanism

In fact a Christian(I think Catholic) YouTuber by the name of Endeavour had put up a good argument

So my point is, too many vulnerable youths and distressed Christians are falling prey to Fundamentalism and End times-ism and giving up on doing anything else than just converting, they are part of this problem as well, they are Christian-Defeatists who continue to preach the heresy of dispensationalism
If you’re spending all day looking at stuff on the Internet, of course you’re going to miss the people who are preserving Catholic culture (except you could perhaps read the trad blogs, they’re preserving it all over the place), making Catholic art, finding S/O’s and getting married and starting families etc. because they are doing it in real life and don’t have time to sit around reviewing and analyzing crazy Youtube stuff for hours.
If you’re spending all day looking at stuff on the Internet, of course you’re going to miss the people who are preserving Catholic culture (except you could perhaps read the trad blogs, they’re preserving it all over the place), making Catholic art, finding S/O’s and getting married and starting families etc. because they are doing it in real life and don’t have time to sit around reviewing and analyzing crazy Youtube stuff for hours
One of the weirdest parts of the internet in the last ten years for me is how Youtube somehow became a respectable source of information. I remember when Youtube was mostly tv show clips, cats doing weirds stuff, and people getting hit in the groin. Now people cite to it like it’s a serious news outlet.

OP, you realize any crazy person with a webcam and a modem can become a YouTube “documentary filmmaker”, right? This is like the equivalent of a crazy person on the street corner yelling at clouds.
There is a difference between being obsessed with the end times and deliberately ignoring the obvious. The major nuclear powers continue to develop and deploy their nuclear first strike capabilities.
For instance the USA’s SLBMs now have a more accurate fusing mechanism that enables them to take out Russian ICBM silos. The Russians, meanwhile, have developed a nuclear armed stealth cruise missile that can be launched from its undetectable Kilo-class electric boats. These nuclear first-strike capabilities threaten to upset the traditional MAD protocol. Then there are the seven or so minor nuclear weapons enabled nations that often seem to be on the brink of launching a nuclear strike. In ten or twenty years the nuclear weapons situation may become far more precarious than it is now.
As the prophet Jeremiah warned:

See! The disaster spreads
from nation to nation.
A mighty tempest rises
from the far ends of the earth.
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I kinda think preparing for the end times by focusing on my walk with Jesus is better than worrying over this sign and that sign. Don’t worry about signs of the bridegroom coming. Just keep your lamps in order.
Regardless of the signs I intend to write epics and stories like Tolkien and CS Lewis, in the service of God, find a significant other, and defend and preserve culture of the West. The Church thoughout its history had claimed and sanctified symbols and celebrations as the world is God’s creation and we need to reclaim it for its rightful Sovereign Christ. If this is another Dark Age then we as the church like before need to preserve Culture and Western Way of life. Call me too optimistic but I think whatever happens many will come to the church for help after they are betrayed by this Globalist nonsense, already voices in Europe and Canada are becoming restless and angry with the Yellow Vest movement.

However I feel at the same time its a teeter-totter thing, and every time things get worse before it gets better, the worse is heavier on one end

Things may go back positive this time, but like Undead Rat said, the next time the world will be too broken to fix itself and then judgement will be upon us

We shouldn’t just assume this is it because one part of the prophecy of a Pope has been fulfilled, their could be shorter or longer periods of time before the next part is fulfilled and during that time we should be practicing our faith and preserving are culture regardless. Remember St. Peter’s words

“But do not ignore this one fact, beloved, that with the Lord one day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day. The Lord is not slow about his promise as some count slowness, but is forbearing toward you, not wishing that any should perish, but that all should reach repentance. . . . Since all these things are thus to be dissolved, what sort of persons ought you to be in lives of holiness and godliness, waiting for and hastening the coming of the day of God, because of which the heavens will be kindled and dissolved, and the elements will melt with fire! But according to his promise we wait for new heavens and a new earth in which righteousness dwells. Therefore, beloved, since you wait for these, be zealous to be found by him without spot or blemish, and at peace” (2 Pet. 3:8–14).
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Shouldn’t we be concerned?
We should be concerned with our own day to day lives and carry our cross and live one another. Today could be our last day on earth and life goes on for everyone else.

You go find Pandora’s box and let Hope out.
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