Ending the Sign of the Cross by bringing hand to the mouth

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I have noticed many people, after making the Sign of the Cross, bring their hand up to their mouths when saying amen. I was never taught to do this and have never been able to find out what it means. Does anyone know why some do this?
Its realy cultural, many hispanics and italians do it, it’s just respect i think.
Its realy cultural, many hispanics and italians do it, it’s just respect i think.
years ago when you would start the rosary, you would take into your hand the crucifix of the rosary and make the sign of the cross ending with kissing the image of Jesus on the cross… veneration, reverence, love of Christ… they, (those that kiss their hand or thumb if you will) are just completing the motion that they do when holding the rosary… 👍
I was told by someone of Mexican heritage that that final gesture is a kiss of the thumb “nail” - they are mentally kissing the crucifix or the nails of Christ - as someone just mentioned - the kissing of the Rosary crucifix.
Think further back then the rosary peoples. My understanding is that this originally started in the orthodox church.

In the orthodox church, the sign of the cross is very specific. The thumb and forfefinger are to cross, creating a cross. The remaining three fingers stick out to represent the trinity. Then on the “Holy Spirit” part, they go from right shoulder to left(instead of left to right) to end over their heart. At the end of the sign, they kiss the cross made with their fingers.

Catholics then picked up on this using their rosaries and/or holy water.

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