Endrocrine Disrupters causing Homosexuality?

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I’m really starting to think that enviornmental factors might be contributing to the explosion we see in aberrent behaviours. If they can change male fish into females, then certainly they affect humans…

Hormones: Chemical Messengers That Work in Parts per Trillion
…that’s a pretty far leap to take from fish to people, don’t you think?
Crossed wires? EPA tackles hormones disrupters
Talk about a tough assignment. Per Congressional edict, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has begun mapping out a vast program to check whether synthetic chemicals can disrupt hormones in humans and animals. http://whyfiles.org/045env_hormone/images/lake_trout.gifThese “hormone disrupters” can cause cancer, birth defects and immune problems. Even incredibly tiny concentrations can interfere with reproduction.
The hormone disrupters are more evidence that chemicals can be dangerous even if they don’t cause cancer. In humans, as in animals, hormones have many communications jobs, affecting mood and memory, reproduction and development, virtually any biological process you can name.
…i don’t know ?

interesting though…
**U P D A T E D
**21 OCT 1998 . An EPA advisory group has suggested an approach for screening some 87,000 chemicals for their potential to disrupt the endocrine system. To slash the cost and complexity of the chore, the group eliminated 25,000 large molecules as unlikely to cross biological membranes. The Endocrine Disrupter Screening and Testing Advisory Committee also recommended testing certain combinations of chemicals, such as breast milk contaminants, plant-derived estrogen mimics, and gasoline. In addition to their human health effects, the chemicals will probably be screened for hormonal effects on wildlife. (See “EPA Unveils…” in the bibliography).
I always liked that old 1950 song, Blame It On The BossaNova 🙂
The only reason there is an explosion in aberrent behaviors is because people can get away with it. There has been an implosion in our cultrual morality.

It nobodys fault but our own.

I doubt that Sodom was built on a landfill.
Whether we are born with homosexuality or not, homosexual behaviour is still sinful.
I wouldn’t dismiss environmental factors too quickly. There is a well documented decrease in sperm counts in men in the industrialized countries, and the reason is not because of lack of nutrition, infections in general, etc. Most pesticides, even the older ones before the new ones which directly block reproduction in insects, had estrogenic effects. Consider also that these chemicals are sprayed routinely into almost all indoor spaces and we can’t avoid all contact with pesticides if we tried.

The problem of the rise of the homosexual culture is due to many factors, mostly social, but, as noted above, even the government doesn’t know all the effects of the chemical soup we live in.

Personally, I have severly limited pesticide use in my home for 20 years, ever since I became aware of the hormonal effects of pesticides. Yes, I put up with a few bugs, but they haven’t killed me yet.
Sex changing is normal for lots of fish species and it’s a response to changes in the environment - a sort of natural birthcontrol. That as nothing to do with people. It’s absurd to think that homossexuality can be biological! In order for that to hapen, sexual arousal had to be connected with biologial things, like smell, for instance. Then how could people be sexually aroused by reading a book? How could they get excited looking at objects? And what about necrophilia? Are the hormones or the genes of those people dead, for them to find dead people sexy?! It’s all in the mind and the soul. Like all important things in human life.
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