Except Christian Heaven is not functionally the same as buddhist Nirvana or enlightenment.
While I think it possible to utilize some portions of buddhist meditation techniques, such portions of truth do not necessarily vindicate the whole. As the Church teaches, God has given some light to all peoples, but the ‘fullness’ will be found in the Church.
In Christianity, we must acknowledge the fundamental ‘realness’ of the physical world; God created it, and it is GOOD. In Buddhism, the realization of Nirvana & enlightenment is a realization of the utter lack of ‘realness’ to the physical world, the basic ‘reality’ of buddhism is that its all an illusion, none of it is real. The experience of Nirvana is an experience of emptiness (and therefore ‘good’ only because of its relationship of being in absence of strife and pain-causing illusion). It is not Heaven, a positive good of being personally in the full presence of God.
Though not written by a Catholic, you should try finding a copy of “Zen Way, Jesus Way”. It treats both ideologies respectfully, even as it shows why they are intrinsically opposite in their self-defined ends.