It is my understanding that Catholic doctrine is agnostic as to when the soul is infused. As one Catholic web site explains: “There is neither explicit dogma nor a coherent doctrine concerning the creation of soul at the moment of conception. The whole person is a creation of God directly and indirectly. How so? Speculations are allowed if you sustain that the soul is not a ‘product of man’” (catholic-church.org/mscperu/english/justasking/isoul_origin.htm )
Augustine believed that a male fetus obtained its soul at 40 days and a female fetus, between 80 to 90 days. Aquinas concluded that the soul was developed in three stages during gestation so that by the time the fetus was born he ir she was fully ensouled. Classical Judaism believes the soul originates in heaven and joins the body at body at birth, based on the Bible’s conclusion, found in Genesis, that after God formed man from the dust, God “breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living thing.”
While the question of when the soul is infused may be an unresolved question in Catholicism, the Church does not consider the question related to the issue of abortion or stem cell research. I’m not sure why because it seems to me ensoulment is what really distinguishes man from other animals… Can anyone explain why when a person is infused with a soul is irrelevant to these two issues?
Augustine believed that a male fetus obtained its soul at 40 days and a female fetus, between 80 to 90 days. Aquinas concluded that the soul was developed in three stages during gestation so that by the time the fetus was born he ir she was fully ensouled. Classical Judaism believes the soul originates in heaven and joins the body at body at birth, based on the Bible’s conclusion, found in Genesis, that after God formed man from the dust, God “breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living thing.”
While the question of when the soul is infused may be an unresolved question in Catholicism, the Church does not consider the question related to the issue of abortion or stem cell research. I’m not sure why because it seems to me ensoulment is what really distinguishes man from other animals… Can anyone explain why when a person is infused with a soul is irrelevant to these two issues?