Entering religious life after an annulment

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I have a question and hope that someone might be able to shed some light.

Would it be possible to become a nun or sister after having an annulment. This was 16 years ago. The children from the marriage are now grown. This person has lived as a single person( and maintained chastity according to her state in life ie single, no dating ) for the past 16 years because they felt called to a religious vocation, but at the time were living out the vocation of being a mother and raising her children.She is now 42. Also she has been a member of the carmelite seculars for 16 years as well.

Thoughts, advice, prayers, all welcome.
Peace in Christ !
I have a question and hope that someone might be able to shed some light.

Would it be possible to become a nun or sister after having an annulment. This was 16 years ago. The children from the marriage are now grown. This person has lived as a single person( and maintained chastity according to her state in life ie single, no dating ) for the past 16 years because they felt called to a religious vocation, but at the time were living out the vocation of being a mother and raising her children.She is now 42. Also she has been a member of the carmelite seculars for 16 years as well.

Thoughts, advice, prayers, all welcome.
Peace in Christ !
  1. Depends on the community. Some do, some don’t. I know the PCPAs did in one case.
  2. She needs to get a spiritual director
  3. Practice interior and exterior silence, esp interior
  4. Her Third Order Carmel won’t be a problem. Once she is received for perpetual or solemn profession (lifetime commitment), she will have to apply to be released from her third order commitment.
  5. She needs to follow her attractions. Active or contemplative life?

If your friend is discerning a call to religious life then she needs a spiritual director and she should contact the order and ask them if her annulment would be and issue. We have a brother in our local monastery who is divorced, raised his children and then joined the Benedictines; he should be making his final vows soon.
My dear friend wanted to join up, and she was rejected by many due to her age. Many of the convents simply can’t absorb the medical costs for someone who is older. She found one eventually, but they would only accept her if she continued to live in her own home and report in quarterly. She did much good work in the parish and community, but it wasn’t really what she had in mind.
I hope you find a receptive group.
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