My 11 year old son, (a former baptist) says he now wants to return to his former church because it was more FUN! 
In a way that a kid can understand, How do I convince him and help him understand, that entertainment and worship are NOT the same thing.
I am a recent convert from Atheism, so as you might guess, there was not alot (none actully) of faith being practiced in my home.
My son turned to the Baptist church only 2 years ago after the death of his dad. The people at his former church were well meaning and loving people, but very very anti-Catholic and they took entertainment to the next level at there services. Which of course appealed to my son.
Now I am struggling with not only correcting the errors of their teachings, but trying to convince a hard headed kid that we go to Mass to WORSHIP God, NOT be entertained.
Advice greatly needed. As you will gather from some of my previous posts, I am always having issues concerning my son.
On a positive note though, He went to our parishes Reconciliation Service last night and loved it. Spent over 10 minutes talking to one of priests.

In a way that a kid can understand, How do I convince him and help him understand, that entertainment and worship are NOT the same thing.
I am a recent convert from Atheism, so as you might guess, there was not alot (none actully) of faith being practiced in my home.
My son turned to the Baptist church only 2 years ago after the death of his dad. The people at his former church were well meaning and loving people, but very very anti-Catholic and they took entertainment to the next level at there services. Which of course appealed to my son.
Now I am struggling with not only correcting the errors of their teachings, but trying to convince a hard headed kid that we go to Mass to WORSHIP God, NOT be entertained.
Advice greatly needed. As you will gather from some of my previous posts, I am always having issues concerning my son.
On a positive note though, He went to our parishes Reconciliation Service last night and loved it. Spent over 10 minutes talking to one of priests.