I don’t understand entropy in the scientific sense. I was reading in an Earth Science textbook that energy in a system entropies when it changes form to a lower more degraded form and eventually becomes more disorganized, so leading to the eventual disorganized and unordered remains of a system. I understand this to apply to the universe as well. What I don’t understand is, if entropy is real, why are we here, if we were to assume there is no beginning to existence. If time has no beginning why is there anything? Does science teach there is an opposite to entropy at work to account for the existence of any kind of order at all? Because if entropy is the dominant power that no energy can escape from then why would any system exist in the first place?
If I could use fire for an analogy to entropy, if everything is burning and will eventually be ash and the fire has always existed then why was there ever anything to burn?
Also, is entropy an action? If it is, does the law that entropy must have an opposite apply? If entropy is a dying force in a system shouldn’t there also be a living force? Something must give life and order I would think even if I were not religious. Or do we teach there was no such thing as entropy until there was energy? Do we teach that energy came first and then entropy?
If I could use fire for an analogy to entropy, if everything is burning and will eventually be ash and the fire has always existed then why was there ever anything to burn?
Also, is entropy an action? If it is, does the law that entropy must have an opposite apply? If entropy is a dying force in a system shouldn’t there also be a living force? Something must give life and order I would think even if I were not religious. Or do we teach there was no such thing as entropy until there was energy? Do we teach that energy came first and then entropy?