A member of the LDS Church says that Ephesians 4:10-11 requires a true church to have apostles and prophets.
Did he say what point he was trying to make with this statement? From the way I read it it seems like he was trying to say his LDS church is the true church because they have apostles and prophets. Was that where he was going with this?
I replied that every Christian is an apostle when they testify of Jesus and that all Christians have the calling of prophet when the Holy Spirit enlightens them and they speak the truth. Am I even close with my response?
I would probably say ever Christian is a disciple or the saints spoken of in verse 12. I would probable define
Apostle as one of the 12 and even accept St. Paul in this group. However, I think Ephesians 4 is speaking about
apostles as in the ones sent out by the
Apostles with the authority to teach.
I’ve come to this conclusion from verse 12…
for the equipment of the saints, for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ
I would say the majority of us Christians are the “saints” spoken of here and not the apostles. The apostles in verse 11 are the ones who are charged to equip the rest of us.
We can come to the conclusion that these apostles must have been sent, to teach the rest of us, from the original Apostles (basically apostolic succession here) because verse 13 tells us that these apostles are to continue their teaching until we all attain the unity (joined as a whole) of faith. Basically, someone is given the authority to hand on the faith to the rest of us, we aren’t charged to go grab a bible and come to our own conclusions about the faith.
I think verse 14 sums it all up here…
so that we may no longer be children, tossed to and fro and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the cunning of men, by their craftiness in deceitful wiles.
So in a way I would agree with your friend, yes the one true Church of Christ would be required to have had their authority handed on to them from the Apostles. If not how would we ever know that we are not just following a wind of doctrine invented by the cunning men spoken of in verse 14.
If he has evidence that his church was handed down the authority of the Apostles I would love to see it, however I am pretty sure history has shown that they haven’t.
Hope this helps,
God Bless