At the invititation of a friend of ours, my wife and attended a mass at her Episcopalian church. Prior to the communion service, the attendant invited all baptized Christians to come forward and receive the bread and wine. After a short deliberation, my wife and I decided to stay seated in the pew when our time came. The refusal to participate hurt our friend’s feelings. It was, and still is, my belief that participating in their symbolic ritual somehow would have some how diminished or shown a lack of reverance for the priviledge of receiving the true body and blood of Jesus at our Catholic mass.
Am I being wrongheaded in this stance?
You are being very right-headed in your stance.
Using logic, rather than emotionalism, you can see that receiving a wafer not consecrated by a duly ordained priest actually makes a mockery of the True Sacrament which Christ instituted. I’d be more concerned about offending Jesus.
Also, attending the Episcopalian service did not relieve you from your obligation to attend a Catholic Mass.
These kind of hurt feelings situations will naturally arise when one assumes that one belief system is just as good, right, or true as another. That is relativism. It is likely that your friend’s feelings are hurt because you do not regard her denomination as just as good as your Faith, and her “communion” as good as the Catholic Sacrament of Holy Communion. (Reasonably speaking, how could you?)
In reality, there is but One True Church which Christ founded, and all who wish to follow Christ are rather obliged to accept it…or, they are accepting the doctrines of men.
I know this sounds harsh, impersonal, and un-neighborly, but I don’t mean it as such.
Even the Church forbids non-Catholics receiving our Eucharist, and us communicating in other churches.
Pax Christi. <><