There is objective truth in the semblance of an object. However, we cannot experience the form of that object. We can know something of what an object is, however, we cannot say, “this is what this object is like within its experience”. Our experience with the objects function, for instance, becomes subjective experience.
A change in perception of said object changes our experience of said object. We can know that a chair is a chair, however, we cannot perceive ‘chair’ as an experience. We can connect with the chair, saying, “this is what it is like to sit down in a chair”, however, we cannot know the reality of experience as a chair.
To objectively know the universe, one must know one’s place within said universe. But all this falls upon subjective experience; as one’s opinion/knowledge of one’s “place in a universe” is different from another’s perception of experience within a universe. To actually experience the universe, one must have all knowledge of a universe, since the perception of what lacks within one’s own knowledge, changes when we know more.