I would like some information about this order, especially if there are any members here. They look like an amazing order dedicated to Christ and the Holy Land, and I am just fascinated by them.
Thank you, very much. I spent a whole day last week perusing the internet on the topic of the EOHSJ and visited the many websites. In particular, I found some of the videos extrordinarily fascinating. I also found the Holy Land and it’s treasures (physical and spiritual) to be quite beautiful.rfournier103, a good place to learn about the history and the work of the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem is at the website of the Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem. I am a member of the EOHSJ and can try to answer what questions you have.
Nice to see another member here. You’d be a part of the Southern Lieutenancy?rfournier103, a good place to learn about the history and the work of the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem is at the website of the Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem. I am a member of the EOHSJ and can try to answer what questions you have.
I’m aware of how new members are selected (I have researched this quite a bit, actually). The way that the EOHSJ selects new members is actually a good one. It’s a good vetting process and complete strangers don’t get in. They know what they’re getting right from the get-go.I’m a member, just joined last October.
To the OP, if you’re interested in joining, there’s a procedure that’s followed. Two members of the Order nominate you, and the regional head decides whether to invite you. It’s all done confidentially and you’re not actually supposed to even be aware that you’re under consideration.
I’m a member of the Southwestern Lieutenancy (Texas, Oklahoma, New Mexico, Arkansas). Cardinal DiNardo of Galveston-Houston is our Grand Prior.Nice to see another member here. You’d be a part of the Southern Lieutenancy?
Was the Grand Master at your annual meeting this year? He was at ours, I’m wondering if he did it for all American Lieutenancies this year.I’m a member of the Southwestern Lieutenancy (Texas, Oklahoma, New Mexico, Arkansas). Cardinal DiNardo of Galveston-Houston is our Grand Prior.
Here’s a thought. Ask your pastor. There might be members at your parish and he’d know, if he was there long enough. It might help.I’m aware of how new members are selected (I have researched this quite a bit, actually). The way that the EOHSJ selects new members is actually a good one. It’s a good vetting process and complete strangers don’t get in. They know what they’re getting right from the get-go.
The problem for guys like myself who had interest in the EOHSJ is that I’m not known personally by my Archbishop (Cadinal O’Malley), and honestly don’t know anyone who’s ever HEARD of the EOHSJ.
If I were to become far more active in the Church at the diocesan level, I would become known and MAYBE invited someday. However, as a man who lives pretty far from Boston and doesn’t have the money to support more than my parish and my own family, I figure I’m not what the Order is really looking for anyway. My charitable donations can’t really go beyond my tithing - and therefore can’t financially support anyone in the Holy Land. I would if I could.
Congratulations on your membership. It is quite an honor.