It has come to my attention, San Francisco Board of Supervisors are condemming the Catholic Church and Her members for our Religious beliefs (See Board of Supervisor’s website Resolution 168-06) and those of us who oppose the killing of unborn children for our opposition and expression of our Constitutional rights(See Board of Supervisor’s website Resolution 180-06). They continue to mandate their religion as a state sponsored religion. They also continue to receive FEDERAL tax dollars and Tourism dollars. I am asking You to publically condemm their anti-Catholic and anti-Christian legislation and to contact Your State Senators and Congressment and other elected officials to withold all Federal Monies and State Monies from them whether it be for Travel or conventions etc. I’ve also emailed the California Governor asking Him to condemn this establishment of a state religion. If He will not, then I ask You to inform all Your friends and contacts of the hostility to Christians they have awaiting them in San Francisco and California (if the Governor there doesn’t act (I pray He does.)).
As a Catholic and a Citizen, I should not have to pay for these elected officials to prosecute My Church, My Religion and My God.
See resolutions website:
As a Catholic and a Citizen, I should not have to pay for these elected officials to prosecute My Church, My Religion and My God.
See resolutions website: