Ethical dilemmas in jobs

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Can anybody help me with this? I need a summer job, and I’d like to get a job in a food and drug type store (you know the type) but I know I would probably end up being a cashier and having to sell contraceptives and the like. I’ve never heard anyone discuss this, but it seems wrong to me.

Any (name removed by moderator)ut would be greatly appreciated. :eek:
are you going to have a problem selling cigarettes? beer, wine or liquor? candy to diabetics? dirty magazines? Where do you draw the line?
The important thing is that YOU aren’t buying this stuff. If the clientele of the store wants to purchase booze, smokes, contraceptives, etc. (and personally, I have been known to buy all of 'em…occasionally with one purchase!), that’s their problem. If the idea of selling family planning materials is morally offensive to you, wouldn’t the easy thing be to try finding a summer job somewhere else? Not everyone is Catholic (and some of us don’t exactly abide by the rules), and you really can’t dictate your moral beliefs to others, especially when you’re ringing 'em up at a checkout line. Just my 2 cents worth…

Hello Trillium,

One thing you have not mentioned is the commandment to keep holy the Sabbath. The Lord commanded that we take the Sabbath as a day of rest and not work on the Sabbath. Police, firefighters, doctors ect. must work on Suday but store cashiers are not in such a critical situation. I would consider obeying God’s commandment to keep holy the Sabbath as more important than the other things you mention. Would you be required to work on Sunday?

Peace in Christ,
Steven Merten
Can anybody help me with this? I need a summer job, and I’d like to get a job in a food and drug type store (you know the type) but I know I would probably end up being a cashier and having to sell contraceptives and the like. I’ve never heard anyone discuss this, but it seems wrong to me.

Any (name removed by moderator)ut would be greatly appreciated. :eek:
Hey trillium!

I like you for the courrage to ask the question! You are right, there is a contradiction to be against contraceptives and selling them.

If I were you, I would have searced for another type of summer-job! If that is impossible, make an appointment with your priest and ask what he thinks. He will understand!

CanonAlberic said:
The important thing is that YOU aren’t buying this stuff. If the clientele of the store wants to purchase booze, smokes, contraceptives, etc. (and personally, I have been known to buy all of 'em…occasionally with one purchase!), that’s their problem. If the idea of selling family planning materials is morally offensive to you, wouldn’t the easy thing be to try finding a summer job somewhere else? Not everyone is Catholic (and some of us don’t exactly abide by the rules), and you really can’t dictate your moral beliefs to others, especially when you’re ringing 'em up at a checkout line. Just my 2 cents worth…


Dude, are you serious? For those who are attempting to integrate their faith into their daily walk, as it appears that trillium is serious about, the simple answer is no. As puzzleannie wisely pointed out – “where do you draw the line” – where does it end? A little compromise here, a little hedging here, a little turn my head here, … before you know it, you will be unrecognizable from any other secular consumer or “cultural” catholic. “you really can’t dictate your moral beliefs to others” …true, but you can communicate them loud and clearly by your actions and choice of activities.

Bye the way CanonAlberic, I hope that you have repented and have gotten right with Jesus Christ, who told His would be followers that the way to salvation is narrow and hard and few there are that find it! You don’t drift your way into the kingdom of God. :cool:
Wish I were more “Bible Evangelical” for this on but, I’ll have to wing it.

Jesus had no problem with Roman Soldiers being Roman Soldiers, or Tax collectors doing their job. What WAS unacceptable was transgression of Gods law.

Look at the pharmacists who refuse to dispense the pill! You’ll have to take a job that allows you to live your faith. If that means your uncomfortable with the situation you’ve described, God may have other ideas for you…pray on it.

FELRA: I like your style. I fear those who don’t value obedience to church teaching will find themselves further and further adrift in the coming years.
Dude, are you serious? For those who are attempting to integrate their faith into their daily walk, as it appears that trillium is serious about, the simple answer is no. As puzzleannie wisely pointed out – “where do you draw the line” – where does it end? A little compromise here, a little hedging here, a little turn my head here, … before you know it, you will be unrecognizable from any other secular consumer or “cultural” catholic. “you really can’t dictate your moral beliefs to others” …true, but you can communicate them loud and clearly by your actions and choice of activities.

Bye the way CanonAlberic, I hope that you have repented and have gotten right with Jesus Christ, who told His would be followers that the way to salvation is narrow and hard and few there are that find it! You don’t drift your way into the kingdom of God. :cool:
Actually, what I was saying was “no”, albeit in a roundabout way. My point was, if the store in question is selling things that you find morally reprehensible, then don’t work there. Simple. As far as being right with Jesus, I think I do okay. I don’t lie, cheat, steal, murder; I don’t think abortion or capital punishment is right, etc. However (and this probably makes me a bad person), I also don’t sweat the small stuff, either. Luv ya all!!

Steven: I’ve never had trouble with being required to work on Sundays. I’ve just told my employers that I wasn’t able to work that day and they’ve never objected.

Puzzleannie: Yes, I’m afraid that I would have a problem with selling some of those things. I don’t know where to draw the line, and that’s really what I’m trying to determine.
Trillium, why do you limit yourself to drug stores? Why not get a job at a fast food place or a toy store or clothing store? To me, if you are uncomfortable selling contraceptives, then you should find work elsewhere.
Trillium, why do you limit yourself to drug stores? Why not get a job at a fast food place or a toy store or clothing store? To me, if you are uncomfortable selling contraceptives, then you should find work elsewhere.
Yup, I worked at a department store in high school, and during college I mostly worked at an independent music store (best job ever, too bad it didn’t pay more) and also waited tables at a local restaurant. I enjoyed all of those jobs, they had nice side perks (big discounts at the stores, free food at the restaurant) and they were always good at working around my worship schedule.

Sometimes you can’t avoid working on Sunday- at my current job, we process biological samples for research, and one sample type is umbilical cord blood. Since babies aren’t born just M-F, 9-5, someone has to work Sundays, and until just recently that someone was me. We’ve switched schedules so that my Christian co-worker and I alternate working Saturdays, and the non-Christians alternate Sundays, so everyone is happy. But working on Sunday definitely didn’t get me out of going to Mass (not that I wanted it to). Keep that in mind- if you’re scheduled to work Sundays at 10 am, you’re going to early Mass.
As far as being right with Jesus, I think I do okay. I don’t lie, cheat, steal, murder; I don’t think abortion or capital punishment is right, etc. However (and this probably makes me a bad person), I also don’t sweat the small stuff, either. Luv ya all!!

Not to pop your bubble or let the air out of your balloon, but either someone sold you or you have bought into a bag of goods. Jesus is very concerned with the “small stuff” sins in our lives, to the point that those who knowingly persist in patterns of venial sin can jeapardize their salvation. Who do you think Jesus was referring to when he addressed those folks who claimed “'We ate and drank in your company and you taught in our streets.” ? Jesus demands of us to strive to live lives of personal holiness, as echoed by the late John Paul II in his universal call to holiness for all believers.

Luke**, *Chapter 13:23-27 “***Someone asked him, “Lord, will only a few people be saved?” He answered them, "Strive to enter through the narrow gate, for many, I tell you, will attempt to enter but will not be strong enough. After the master of the house has arisen and locked the door, then will you stand outside knocking and saying, ‘Lord, open the door for us.’ He will say to you in reply, ‘I do not know where you are from.’ And you will say, 'We ate and drank in your company and you taught in our streets.’ Then he will say to you, ‘I do not know where (you) are from. Depart from me, all you evildoers!’”

1 Peter**, *Chapter 1:13-16 “***Therefore, gird up the loins of your mind, live soberly, and set your hopes completely on the grace to be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ. Like obedient children, do not act in compliance with the desires of your former ignorance but, as he who called you is holy, be holy yourselves in every aspect of your conduct, for it is written, “Be holy because I (am) holy.”
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