Eucharist as image for Heaven

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In what way is it useful to see the reality of the Eucharist (from pre-consecration to consecration to real presencee) as an image or paradigm of heaven/the beatific vision? Thoughts?
This way of thinking is certainly appropriate… the Pope has recently urged catholics to see the Eucharist as a project of solidarity for all humanity…surely something close to an image of heaven?

Someting to strive for rather than present reality.
I once read a description of the Mass that said that during the Eucharistic Prayer, the veil that separates heaven from earth is temporarily removed, so that as the priest says, and I paraphrase, “We join the angels and saints in your hymn of praise”, the altar is actually filled with the heavenly hosts and we quite literaly join our praises with theirs.

It was a long time ago that I read the book and I did not do justice in relating the theme, but ever since then, when I am at Mass, I love to think about the angels and saints actually being present.

It really is a heavenly banquet.
have you guys read ‘the lamb’s supper’ by scott hahn?

it answers this question far better than i can.

to sum up what he says (but please read it!), when we go to mass, we ARE entering heaven.

when you read about heaven in revelation, it sounds alot like it’s describing mass.

did anyone go to daily mass today? the gospel was Jesus saying ‘don’t look for the kingdom of heaven here or there. the kingdom of heaven is among (or within) you.’

have you read ‘the city of God’ by augustine? very thick, very good, but not easy reading. but he, too, says that the church is the kingdom of God among us. the kingdom of man and the kingdom of God exist side by side, here among us now.

beautiful thought.
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