Eucharist miracles post Vatican II?

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Have there been any Eucharistic Miracles in the age of Vatican II? I have an In-law that is very strongly SSPX and has expressed some opinions that the Novus Ordo isn’t Catholic. More like Protestantized Catholicism and all this stuff like “the mass isn’t licit”, and that he refuses to attend a Novus Ordo if he is not able to attend his SSPX services. I discussed with him that even though he doesn’t like the Novus Ordo, he must still attend Saturday
Night/ Sunday mass to fulfill his obligation under pain of sin. I say this out of concern for his soul. He comes back with “my priest said that I’m not obliged to attend the new mass” . Honestly makes me really mad. I understand that a lot of traditional Catholicism has been pushed aside to make for more modern things since VII, and a lot of the negative things of that nature. I prefer the Latin mass and traditional Catholicism and I believe the church was holier place pre VII, but I acknowledge and accept the Church in all her decrees and she has declared Novus Ordo to be valid and licit. Anyway I’d like some examples of verifiable Eucharist miracles to show to him that truly Christ is present here in the Church and in the Novus Ordo. And possibly some advice about how to approach this topic with him again? I know that it’s a touchy subject.
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Yes actually there have been a few of them that are post Vatican II. However as the Church is very careful with Miracles it always takes a while for Her to approve them as such. Remember when the Church approves a Miracle is telling the faithful that it is worthy of consideration. In other words the trust of The Church is at stake and She rightly takes it as diligently as it should.
A couple of links might help you in your quest:

As for the SSPX claims that the Church went into apostasy after V II there is only 1 simple answer to that.
In other words they are claiming that Jesus is a liar.
His words are meaningless.
When HE said in Matthews 16:18 And I also say unto thee, that thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it. He lied, The gates of hell did prevail against it and won.

Here is a post I posted on another thread:

There is a subtitled YouTube video done by the scientist who did the investigation on the Buenos Aires Eucharistic miracle:

This is actually one part of a series of videos. YouTube videos used to be limited in length to about 10 minutes, so longer videos were cut up into 10-minute lengths. They were connected, so they would automatically play one after the other.

Now, search results show the parts mixed in with other videos, and not labeled so as to be watched in order. This may be a fault caused by years of updating, or may be the result of the original set being taken down and only copied videos left.

However, this one is good on its own.
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Is the SSPX mostly an American phenomenon? English speaking countries? European? Or, are they spread out over all or most of Catholicism? I’m just curious. Thank you in advance…
They’re international. They were founded in France and Switzerland. The founder was French and the former Superior General of the Spiritans aka Holy Ghost Fathers, a missionary order of priests and lay people. He was also a leader of the conservative faction during Vatican II.

So no, SSPX is not an “American phenomenon”. Nor is it particularly associated with English speaking countries.
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As for the SSPX claims that the Church went into apostasy after V II there is only 1 simple answer to that.
In other words they are claiming that Jesus is a liar.
His words are meaningless.
When HE said in Matthews 16:18 And I also say unto thee, that thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it. He lied, The gates of hell did prevail against it and won.

That’s not true at all. If and I mean If, the Vatican II church is a new and separate religion as some claim, than the true church would persist with various traditional Sedevacantist groups who hold to the church as it was at the passing of Pius XII. Since the true church would still exist in that state, then the gates of hell have not prevailed against it. Granted, it would be much smaller, but it’s prophesied to be much smaller when Christ returns anyway. Wouldn’t a pope promoting idolatry at St. Peter’s be a bigger sign of the gates of hell prevailing? I’m not saying this is what happened, but am merely playing devil’s advocate to look at all sides.
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If Christ allowed all but 1,000 people to fall into heresy with Vatican II, that makes him a liar which also makes him not the Son of God or the Messiah. Which means we are all doomed.
SSPX claims that the Church went into apostasy after V II
The SSPX makes no such claim. What they say is that the Second Vatican Council was by its own declaration not dogmatic, but pastoral, and therefore need only be followed in matters which do not conflict with the foregoing magisterium.
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One has taken place in Essex Uk last month.

Blood on the Eucharist from the Holy tabernacle.

It will be the 1st time ever recording in the Uk. It has been sent off to be certified and tested.

I will keep you up dated.

Never before in England such a miracle has been witnessed. A tiny Catholic Church In South Essex.

The Arch Bishop and Pope are very excited by all accounts.
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Only 3.6 % of earths population has AB blood type just as Jesus had.
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