Eucharistic Adoration---What do you do when with the Lord?

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If you spend time with the Lord in Eucharistic Adoration, what do you do while talking/listening to the Lord? I have heard that some sit quietly and listen to the Lord, some pray, some read.

What do you do, and how often and for what period of time do you usually visit?
Dear friend

I have fell asleep, I have knelt and pleaded for mercy and help for myself and others. I have begged. I have sat silently and listened. I have asked for graces and received them for myself and for others. I have praised and been in total awe. I have loved and received love. I have cried and smiled, even laughed. I have spent time with my best and beautiful friend and the only One Who can sustain me and those I bring before Him.

I have been with Him at the hour of His death and kept watch with Him, I have said the Rosary and the Chapelet of Divine Mercy before Him, for Him, with Him, to Him and for all humanity, for all the children sick and neglected, murdered and unloved, for all peoples of the world, for conversions and for unity and world peace in Him.

I talk to Him about every detail and aspect of my life and those I love, including the family of my friends and of the church. I ask for vocations to religious life, I ask for friendships and understanding between peoples and for us all to give to each other the love and kindness of Christ.

I have felt His awesome Presence so much so I felt the whole place spin to make me feel so small and insignificant. The power of His Presence is beyond my words of description here, it is so Majestic!

In Adoration I can pick up no book, but I can only look to Him and see Him and talk with Him as my dearest and most beloved friend. His Eternal Beauty is evident to me there.

Mostly I am in awe and sit with Him sometimes silent because He knows my heart and I just give Him all of my heartr, but sometimes all I can give is praise and love to Him.

I tell Him over and over I love Him…

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

Like Teresa9, my time with Jesus in adoration varies a lot. Sometimes I just sit and look at Him for awhile; sometimes I talk to Him; sometimes I say formal prayers.

Unlike Teresa9, sometimes I do read – our adoration chapel has some wonderful materials. I have read St. Therese, Bishop Fulton Sheen, Mother Teresa, Fr. Groeschel and many other wonderful authors. I sometimes read the bible or work on a bible study.

When I first enter His Holy presence, I kneel for awhile and begin my prayer by focusing on Him and asking for His guidance during our hour together. I also ask Mother Mary to be with me and pray for me and for my guardian angel to keep my from distraction and St. Michael the Archangel to keep me from temptation.

If I feel led to read something, I ask for His guidance. Then, it’s usually exactly something I need to hear at that moment, whether I realize it at the time or not! It may be something specific to what I’m going through at the time, or something I’m able to share with a friend or family member later in the week that helps them.

I have a regular hour of adoration each week and try to go another time when possible. It has changed my life (or I should say, HE has changed my life!).

I remember reading that Our Holy Father, Pope John Paul II, does most of his writing before Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. Sometimes I do some writing and reflecting with Him as well.

God bless.
I would pray that others learn the meaning of Christian Brotherhood. That is not goto church and have a contest about who is running things or what they should do or what agenda should be pushed…

That people should learn how to get along in Christian Brotherhood. To hell with the global Crack villiage. I dont want to be friends with the terrorists, theives and drug dealers of the world. I want to be friends in Christ with my Christian brothers. If they see how we all love eachother, than they will be jealous of us and want to be like us.
Ummm (a bit embarrased here), I did a web search in an attempt to discover just what Eucharistic Adorationactually is.

Could someone enlighten me?
Best I can come up with is that it is a special time at which a parish takes the host out of the Tabernacle and puts Him on display where people can come and pray before Him.

Am I even remotely correct?

Thanks in advance
Ummm (a bit embarrased here), I did a web search in an attempt to discover just what Eucharistic Adoration actually is.

Could someone enlighten me?
Best I can come up with is that it is a special time at which a parish takes the host out of the Tabernacle and puts Him on display where people can come and pray before Him.

Am I even remotely correct?

It appears some here cherish this means of prayer, I’d like to know more about it.

Thanks in advance
Ummm (a bit embarrased here), I did a web search in an attempt to discover just what Eucharistic Adoration actually is.

Could someone enlighten me?
Best I can come up with is that it is a special time at which a parish takes the host out of the Tabernacle and puts Him on display where people can come and pray before Him.

Am I even remotely correct?

It appears some here cherish this means of prayer, I’d like to know more about it.

Thanks in advance
Simply it is time you spend in front of the Blessed Eucharist. Time spent in prayer or contemplation with God’s real body, soul and divinity.
Simply it is time you spend in front of the Blessed Eucharist. Time spent in prayer or contemplation with God’s real body, soul and divinity.
Yes, but are these predetermined times? Or can it be any time in any church?
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