Eucharistic Adoration

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Can someone please explain Eucharistic Adoration to me? I am awaiting an annulment so I can’t receive the Eucharist yet. Can I participate in Eucharistic Adoration? Thanks!

Can someone please explain Eucharistic Adoration to me? I am awaiting an annulment so I can’t receive the Eucharist yet. Can I participate in Eucharistic Adoration? Thanks!

Adoration of God is recommended for all mankind.

Catholics alone have the Real Presence in the Eucharist - unleavened bread consecrated by a priest actually and substantially becomes our Saviour.

Receiving the Eucharist, Communion, is reserved for Catholics in the state of Grace.l

Adoration of the Host, Eucharist, should be available in more parishs. Only some, including mine, have perpetual adoration, where Christ is present 24/7, out of the tabernacle, and in plane site for all to adore. We have an adoration chapel for this purpose. It is so peaceful to go and pray (talk to God) and meditate (let God talk to me).

Hi Danielle,
May God Bless you on your annullment. I recently received mine and it was such a peaceful ending/beginning for me.

As for Eucharistic Adoration, the Eucharist is displayed on the Alter for personal prayer time. You do not receive the Eucharist to eat or drink during this - Jesus is only on display.

When He is on display, Jesus is present just as you are present adoring Him. I like to think he is sitting next to me and giving me a hug when I need it…or walking next to me as I say the stations of the cross. It is like going to visit your best friend and chatting.

Yes, Jesus is always present in the tabernacle - but the difference is like talking to Jesus behind a door ( the tabernacle), or talking to him face to face at Adoration.

In Adoration, I feel I have received such graces and blessings.
Can someone please explain Eucharistic Adoration to me? Can I participate in Eucharistic Adoration? Thanks!


With Jesus fully present in the Eucharist, we have the opportunity to come before him and adore (worship) him directly.

Any adoration chapel is open to all people who want to adore the Lord. Just find a local church with one and go and adore.

Usually, silent prayer is used. Sometimes you can take postures of adoration as well, such as kneeling, and laying prostrate before Him.

To sum up Eucharistic Adoration in a few words:

We, humans, have the opportunity to go and worship Jesus our Lord and Savior, our God and King, our Friend and Companion, in His true presence, mind, body, soul, and divinity, in the Eucharist.
Can someone please explain Eucharistic Adoration to me? I am awaiting an annulment so I can’t receive the Eucharist yet. Can I participate in Eucharistic Adoration? Thanks!

You sure can.

When you find an Adoration Chapel enter with hope and expectation. Prepare; even a quick prayer to the Holy Spirit will help open you to the grace of God and silence the enemy (though he always tries to distract us). Adorers usually kneel for a moment on both knees (if you are able) and then sit or kneel quietly before His Presence. Place yourself before God in the silence of your heart.

Someone described the experience of Eucharistic Adoration as being in the sunshine (Sonshine). You may not notice it at the time, but just as the sun’s rays have an effect on our skin that is not immediately noticeable there are changes happening below the surface which will be manifested with time. It’s like getting a nice even tan.

Be still and know that I Am God (Psalm 46:10)
What a pretty name. Yes, you can, as others have stated.
Adoration of the Eucharist is adoring Jesus Christ, truly present in a Consecrated Host either housed in the Tabernacle or Exposed in a Monstrance (from the Latin - Monstrarare (sp) to show) for public worship. Some Catholic Churches have what is called, Perpetual Adoration, ie our Lord Exposed 24 hrs a day for adoration, some have Exposition for a day like on First Fridays, and unfortunately some Churches one has to really “look” to even find a Tabernacle but find one in your town and simply say “Thank you Lord, for letting me come”!! The Holy Spirit will help a grateful heart. Our Lady will also be pleased to help you adore her Son.
Good people, I am on a mission. Please, Please capitalize pronouns referring to all Persons of the Holy Trinity. Lack of reverence for all things holy started way back - with no “caps”. Years later there is no reverence for The Holy Eucharist.
Our Lady of the Eucharist, pray for us.
Peace on earth to men of good will.
Thank you for your replies! 🙂 I am looking forward to time with our real and present Lord! I think I will look at this as an engagement period before I can be physically united with Jesus through the Eucharist.

Thank you for your replies! 🙂 I am looking forward to time with our real and present Lord! I think I will look at this as an engagement period before I can be physically united with Jesus through the Eucharist.Danielle
That’s a great analogy! :love:
I also have a few questions, not to steal the thread away from the author. Can I, as a Non-Catholic (Who is going to soon join The Church), attend adoration? What if I am in a state of mortal sin?
I also have a few questions, not to steal the thread away from the author. Can I, as a Non-Catholic (Who is going to soon join The Church), attend adoration? What if I am in a state of mortal sin?
All are welcome if they are there to adore.
I also have a few questions, not to steal the thread away from the author. Can I, as a Non-Catholic (Who is going to soon join The Church), attend adoration? What if I am in a state of mortal sin?
It can only help. The Object of our adoration knows our heart and desires. Mercy is His Name.
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